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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Not exactly sure but it was his main trailer and its orange , Richard Larrington is a character ,i have been there when someone asked about a different colour and he asked them to leave his stand , i was with him one day on his stand and a young lad was twanging a pipe on one of his trailers he was not happy i leant a few words that day
  2. He wont sell them in any other colour ,gets really upset if you ask
  3. Sorry to here that allow i think them Disco have a reputation for breaking down , been raining here all morning allow stopped now and sun trying to come out allow ground is saturated
  4. All ready for next harvest, with 3 running I can get some done between shower's if this wet weather continues
  5. Should be there on the Sunday , got other things on the Saturday
  6. Think if you dont get orbital unit done right it acts like a hydraulic motor and steering wheel just spins around ,well it do on some case tractors ,think its a danfloss ? unit
  7. I can remember having the club magazine as i was a member , back then we never thought about keeping things like that we just looked at them then disposed of them and eagerly awaited the next one . I was a member of the Airfix club as well
  8. Things come in 3s , keep you chin up and i am sure things will change
  9. I was talking to Graham today about some other things and he said the J/D had come in
  10. It only counts if you post up a photo of it full of tractors 😁
  11. From yesterday,they run out of lorries at 6pm last night, they had all used up there' driving hrs ,one load left which is going about now ,5.30am ish so better get up farm and help him clean down his wheel's before he gets on road VID_20231017_125050092.mp4 VID_20231017_131301793.mp4
  12. Was still drilling yesterday when I took a call to say this was on the way, first few loads was on brow of a hill so I had to stand on road and keep a eye out on traffic so lost a couple of hours drilling time but glad beet have gone apart from one load
  13. Monday morning I dropped off the tine drill and got the combination drill out , it's doing a good job but very wet in places,it won't get rolled and to windy to get any pre-em on and if we get rain that's forcast it will wash it in too deep
  14. Just got back home been a 21hr day for me ,journey down was fine as no traffic though the night but coming back hold up every where ,M25 was very busy and slow . Had a good chat with a few members on here ,some i know ok 2 or 3 others i got talking to for first time ,good to meat you all
  15. Last ones I have from today, nice to see sun rising this morning
  16. Will come and say hello 👍. Sitting outside at moment,sun coming up nicely
  17. Coffee is cheaper here and taste better than the one on M3
  18. Now at McDonald's,not exactly sure where but sat nav saying 15min away from showground. Just had a trader come in McDonald's asking for directions and they have pointed him in right direction
  19. Currently at fleet services having a expensive coffee,no one else here apart from man working in WHSmith. Not a lot of traffic about good drive so far
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