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Everything posted by smithy

  1. PDC, (paul cowboy capon) is up and down the motorways every day carting things about and he often see these JCB"s cutting the verge ,he did tell me how/why they can run on a motorway but i have forgotten
  2. Lots of things dont make sense in this world these days think they call it progress, also mightbe because the GREENS are taking over
  3. Think its one of these ,they have contract to mow the verge as they are allowed on motorway
  4. Just delivered my rubble sorter ,as long as its dry the dirt fall though and leaves you cleanish rubble ,not perfect but its had a good few tonnes over it ,local builder is going to use it this week on site
  5. Bit cold first thing today but i run the harrows over what i had powerharrowed other day and then put grass seed in slug pellet spreader and chucked some seed about
  6. Got my mowers out ready for a check over ,i wont be cutting this week i dont think but if i catch up on jobs and weather still ok as from friday i might knock a bit over for hay
  7. Yes Paul it could have got me in the face ,arm is ok allow when i got in the shower last night the warm water hitting the sore bit made me jump , the sun cream has helped i think this morning its just a bit red and and just slightly sore so yes lucky escape . I will have to go and get new hose on Tuesday
  8. They look very nice side by side ,well done Paul +Gemma
  9. Just been steam cleaning and pipe burst right next to my arm and was that water hot ,arm is red and tingle ,i have covered it it suncream that i had up farm it has soothed it a bit . Lesson 1 ,allways wear safety boots otherwise you can break your toes πŸ€” Lesson 2 dont steam clean with bare arms 🀨
  10. This has been on my workbench last few weeks ,l did not build it my granddaughter Grace (age 12) has built it weekends when she stays with us i bought it for her out of one of Andys M&M auctions ,I am and so is Grace pleased with it
  11. This morning i powerharrowed these 2 gardens for my brother ,i went over them 5or6 times in differant directions to get them levellish ,going to run a small grass harrow over them on monday and if we think its ok we got the grass seed to chuck on
  12. Here is a slightly better photo of the exaust pipe bend/extension my mate made up for the Puma
  13. When i bought the Puma the previse owner had cut top of exhaust so it would go in his shed anyway my mate has made me a new bolt on bit ,will get better photo later as sun is very bright at moment
  14. My mate been up farm a few hrs today so we bolted on new scrapers on powerharrow packer roll , we could not do all of them as delivery company Tuffells has lost the rest of order
  15. Drum brakes, photo not good as cant get a good shot ,its also got a slight leak on halfshaft but i am told its because gearbox is leaking into back axle and pushing oil level up higher than it should be and causing it to leak ? I am not sure on that but am looking into it
  16. Yes allways busy ,i got the rims for a project i have planned well the cutaway one other 2 was part of the lot ,if next week go to plan me and my mate are going to tackle the brakes on my major and look at a oil leak but the wheel centre is for another major we may tackle allow that is more of a winter thing for me ,will be intouch shortly with some photos maybe
  17. Just been and got 2 of the items i bid on in sale , 3 fordson major rear wheel centres ,there is 2 round ones which i will use but it was the one cutout one i needed to make up a set but as one lot i had to have all 3 , other item is a big bag lifter ,sometimes pallet tines cut handles on big bags and on unloading lorrys you have to be very carefull on not hiting the roof while trying to get bags just of the deck so hopefully this will make job a bit better
  18. A good night for this job ,wind droped right down and a cool night so hopefully wont shock the little beet ,should be done by 9ish
  19. The school is only about 2 minutes drive up road from the farm so i took tractor and wagon up road slowly and picked them up from school ,some parents gave my a funny look as i pulled in carpark ,some waved ,some took photos but you could tell some thought what the hell is going on here πŸ‘ grandchildren loved it thats what matter ,will see if it get talked about tomorrow and i get a letter saying you cant bring that in here πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€¨
  20. 3 wheels on wagon but i keep rolling along πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ‘giving the axles bit of grease as i have it out of the winter storage ,going to take it back into the garden bit later on when youngest 2 grandchildren get here from school
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