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Everything posted by smithy

  1. click on his shop and he has one at £80.61 and one at £75.82
  2. click on his shop and he has one at £80.61 and one at £75.82
  3. They do have a lot of kit in there yard ,me and Goody have often taken a ride up that way to have a look around and also called in on other dealerships in the area
  4. Welcome along , looking forward to your finished diorama
  5. Apart from the drawbar the rest looks like a Kidd roller . The one you are making looks good
  6. A group of 8 of us arranged to meet up at 8am this morning and go in convoy to the christmas road run about 35-40 minutes away ,They all said to Jasmine you lead the way . And again on way home they all said you lead . So we calling her LEADER OF THE PACK 😂 . 20221211_155338.mp4 20221211_155417.mp4 20221211_160744.mp4
  7. On friday i was helping granddaughter Jasmine get a tractor ready as she had entered the YFC Christmas road run on Sunday
  8. Not to early as its only around the corner , Nice scene you have set up Thanks
  9. This little job only took about 1hr yesterday ,lifted a pair of gates not far away from mine for my mates at the forge
  10. HaHa thats one of the wet-wipes i used to wipe over woodburner to remove the last bit of dust before i set light to the fire-lighter
  11. 3rd one in place and up and running , also the stuffed white Pheasant we had to move while we worked
  12. This was yesterdays job , we had to drop 3, 6inch liners down 3 chimneys ,and then install 3 woodburners . Its not me up in the air my feet was firmly on the ground all day
  13. Looks like you are having a good break ,i saw a TV program think it was on Sky tv about the Falkirk Wheel saw it go around it was a good program
  14. last ones from a tour that took 3.5hrs and there was still some bits that we did not go in . I think they said they have over 650,000 parts stored on site with a value of 12 million pounds ,and that do not include the value of the machines that they have on site . A Fantastic tour well worth another late night out .
  15. Some other makes are in another workshop being tested against there Claas machines . was not allowed in this bit but i got photo though a window ☺️
  16. Some tractors are in workshop being repaired ,some tractors are in the training workshop with wheels of so trainees can learn how to fix them
  17. We have been taken on a tour around Claas UK/Manns of Saxham , its the big building beside the A14
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