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Everything posted by smithy

  1. These are the cracks in the fields ,and 2 more harvest photos VID-20220725-WA0012.mp4
  2. This one was before harvest ,someone pleased to see me VID-20220720-WA0001.mp4
  3. A few photos from harvest VID-20220725-WA0016.mp4 VID-20220725-WA0018.mp4 VID-20220725-WA0017.mp4 VID-20220725-WA0019.mp4
  4. I started cutting wheat today ,it was 12% in some parts of the field and 14% in others ,not been in long as needed to finish that field ,very light drizzle when we finished , no photos as i never left the cab just needed to keep cutting
  5. Looks like it could be the start of a new yearly show ,looks a nice meadow to have them out on show and weather is on your side by the look of it
  6. looks very tidy ,just a bit of paint loss which you expect
  7. I had to nip up to Pecks at Ely today and Cheffins is only a few more miles so i thought i would give it a look ,and look what i found up there , eyeing up his next buys maybe
  8. Thank Gav, i will give you 3 guess as to the salesman that poked,🤔 i mean sold it to me 😂
  9. Yes i now the one you mean ,its not been there long ,no it not the Newmarket one
  10. used many a bale trailor like the one in photo ,just scraped 2 like that because police are stopping trailers like that around here which i am not against for safety reasons but makes the job a bit more stressful , thats one of the reasons i bought a new lowloader/bale trailer . Great builds there John
  11. Been very warm here as well ,been a few fires around us ,when i came past Duxford on sunday there was a big fire in the distance behind the airfield . i have a meadow to top for someone but been leaving it last few day because of the heat ,got air-con so no worries on that just concerned about hit stones and making a spark
  12. 😁 A303 VOSA Hotspot did you not make the F/W headlines a few years back . Very nice trailers a mate of mine has a Bailey 16 ton potato trailor as its low and then has a bit more headroom when tipping in shed
  13. So far its going good ,yes lot easier to drive and adjust from the seat ,not as yet mastered the stubble height setting in auto but i will next time ,yes she was keeping up carting the barley ,allow on the second day of carting i had 2 drivers as a mate asked if he could have ago . Julie struggles to push the grain up with JCB ,she gets there but needs 5 pushes when 2or3 might have done it ,Granddaughter Jasmine can do it and did on some of the barley but she is off on holiday next week so think i might have to give the wife a few more lessons . The 12 ton trailor she said rode well on road but because from seat you cant quite see over the top to reverse into barn which she also needs a bit of practice on ,i get in doorway myself than tip it a bit and look underneath . Tested wheat today it was 18.2% needs to be 15%
  14. Item i bought while up at JCB the other week ,and 2 more bags to add to my collection , the multi-tool was a freebie
  15. If that was the Newmarket branch next to A14 i saw that the other week
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