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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Chris could you get a picture of the Toptilth sometime if possible no rush , me and a mate of mine been looking at other models today plan on looking at some other ones tomorrow but wont be buying anything till next year we are just seeing what is about at the moment
  2. Same job as before just a different field on a fogy morning this field is going into spring barley as it has a bit of blackgrass in it
  3. Sorry to hijack you posts Paul but here is a picture of my Browns Chisel Plough not used it this year yet but if we get a few good frosts I will drag it though the winter ploughing
  4. Where my main farm is we have had about 2mm on about 2or 3 times since harvest but that just dry up within a hr within about a mile or so all round me farmers have had 20mm or more on a few occasions as off the land I rent which is about a 25min drive away in a tractor has had some rain but not really enough and I don't think there is any forecast for this coming week
  5. Thanks Paul yes was only running on 4cylinders for a few days but up on 6 again now and my turbo is cutting in now and again haha
  6. This is my field where we did plant rape this year but as we never had any rain for over 7 weeks only bits here and there started to grow so last weekend we spread beans over the lot and ploughed in then power harrowed down ,it is a 30 acre field which I did 4hrs on the Friday night and over the Saturday/Sunday a further 30hrs then was ill on the Monday morning but we wont go there as it was a bit unpleasant and I cant remember eating half the stuff that come out
  7. This is part of 7ton of steel that my mates are waiting for as they sent it off to be galvanised in the past couple of weeks and this lot come back to my yard on Friday which I unloaded if the rest come back in the next few days I will have a job of unloading it and transporting to site
  8. Ploughing this 30 acre field ready for spring barley as the storm clouds gather overhead but we still never got any rain here
  9. Don't now about the rain all round me have had 20mm on a few times but I only had about 3mm on two occasions my wheats and barley is coming though as I pushed the land down tight after ploughing to hold what moisture was there in ,I nearly bought a Galucho Toptilth of does 2 years ago at the doe show but somebody bought it 5min in front of me sounds like you are getting on all right with it how many horses do you have on the front and have you doubled up on you tractor wheels
  10. I got that as well on a few times but with a different error code every time
  11. Had to go to Ernest Doe Power over at Framlingham (goodys branch) to sort out some parts I need and these machines stood in the yard awaiting to go out to there new homes
  12. Lifted my 2nd field of beet on Wednesday yields are well down though lack of rain at the vital times but we lifted them so I don't mess the fields up because when we do get proper rain it wont stop
  13. To be honest Paul I only just flicked though the pages together with one or two more that I have picked up over last few months will sit down one day and go though them when I have all my field work done
  14. I have seen that message several times over the last year
  15. I have that one as well Paul I got mine when I went up to the J/D 50th Anniversary couple of weeks back
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