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Everything posted by smithy

  1. I only drove a quadtrac for a couple off hrs last October for first time ,courtesy off Case/Steyr
  2. Remember having cream/jam scones in a Pullman railway carriage
  3. Nice model Paul reminds me of a day back in the 1990s I spent a day driving a FW30 with a big set of discs for a neighbour ,my biggest tractor at the time was a ford 6600
  4. A few years ago I had a look at the PECO place down at or near a place called BEER I think, was a good day out
  5. well done ,she wont be able to prove that she paid for the models for you if she has receipts does not prove she gave them to you unless father Christmas turns you in
  6. Good to see you are blowing the cobwebs of it , it certainly looks nice
  7. Well done Mark tell her she can keep any presents that you gave her as I am keeping mine . was going to click the like button on your post but did not think it appropriate
  8. Good to see you have the engine laying on a Health and Safety approved table/workbench there Trigger its a bit like what I would do
  9. Happy New Year to you Chris and to everyone else on the Forum
  10. That bag of biscuits was my mates wages for the day .which is a improvement as I normally pay him peanuts
  11. we tried it in a press yesterday ,not much to push against on the bottom and with some heat on it the bearing housing was bending we had 15ton of pressure on it and not moving so plan B plenty of strong block of wood under tractor front end in case it did slip ,stub axle upside down with a hyd/jack pushing up on the bit we needed to move with the weight of tractor pushing down plenty of heat and my mate spud on the big hammer brute force and ignorance it moved rest of tractor all works fine a few dents here and there and a broken back window as the person that was using it last was not that carful I think he thought it was a Tank it was then left outside for about a year hence the seized kingpin
  12. Been working on these two today the david brown I have the rear brakes apart as they are binding a bit and the dashboard out as it has a steering oil leak also resealed all the fuel pipe fittings as it was sucking air in somewhere the 474 had got water get in one of the kingpins and seized solid but with a bit of heat and a big hammer me and my mate spud got it apart
  13. Thanks for the update Alex and good luck for the future
  14. Chris I cant click the like button on your post as it comes up YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO GIVE REPUTATION TO THIS USER .it happens on other post at times
  15. don't now about a good kicking he wants to be put in with some bulls and let them have a go also must have a solid 12foot high fence all round so the B###### cant get out
  16. This is what I have NOT been doing as my mates said they could manage ,but I could make the tea cheeky buggers
  17. If you are ever this way there would always be a cup for you
  18. Fantastic line up there Paul ,thanks for showing
  19. Thanks, there is a lot of people worse of then me around the world but it did shake us up
  20. Swelling gone down now but neck and shoulders still ache a bit especially if I am out in the cold for to long but as my mother has been in hospital last few weeks I have been sitting up there a lot in the warm the last few days ,been to work with some off my mates for a couple of hrs yesterday and this morning but they would not let me do to much except for making the tea ,Thanks for asking
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