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Everything posted by smithy

  1. I used to help a neighbour bag up round silage bales but could not always get a air tight seal which you would not now till you opened it if I remember right he always had a bigger muck heap then anyone else round here
  2. like the weight box and the decal on the front
  3. Yes improving every day still a bit swollen in the wrong places and enough painkillers for the next few days think I will survive Thanks
  4. Thanks John yes I will be up and running again soon as the show season starts in January and got to be fit for that otherwise Mr Reeve will give me my P45 back
  5. Thanks Mark only thing is that pile of metal cant be replaced in two days as colin and his daughter was supposed to be driving to Austria in it on Wednesday night to see family for Christmas and insurance company is dragging its heels a bit its now Thursday and he has not gone
  6. Thanks Robbo the last thing I need is someone like you investigating I have heard from the Zwolle lads what you can be like haha . Thanks again
  7. Thanks Sean ,yes it happened about 12-30ish on the Monday and apart from a headache was ok till about 3ish on the Tuesday then I felt s### first thing Wednesday I was down drs showed reception person my paper-work the ambulance had given me and in two minutes I was seeing the Dr im now on some anti-inflammatory/painkiller
  8. Yes thanks Martyn ,I now you would have come out but at the time you just don't think right . I tried to push the LIKE button on your post but it comes up YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO GIVE REPUTATION TO THIS USER
  9. Thanks Martin would like to be like a Suffolk tup could have a bit of fun haha yes they was very helpful to use and helped us to calm down
  10. Thanks Paul will probably put other pictures up from the scene in a few days time
  11. Well this is what happened Monday morning me and my mate Colin went 2 and a half hrs away to look at a piece of machinery with the view to buy it after Christmas so far so good looked at machine yes its ok will do what we wont have a word with the dealers and speak about this and that said to them let us think about it no problem anyway leave there yard get 10min down the road we are doing 60mph on the main road we are following the car in front with a good distance between us and one car a good way behind us all of a sudden a car shoots out of a junction where it should have stopped and we hit it head-on , the picture is where my head hit the windscreen any way after being treated at the road side by a very good dr and 2 good people with the ambulance there decided that we was ok to travel home but to seek further treatment the next day they was going to take both of us to hospital up in Lincolnshire but as we are big,thick,and strong Suffolk lads we thought we would be ok ,then the fun started could not get home as replacement car did not turn up we are getting colder piddled off and starting to hurt ,the second breakdown truck driver stayed with us a long time but as it got dark we guessed it was down to us to get are own way home by then both are phones was flat ,so breakdown driver said he would go out off his way and run as down the road to Stamford retail park as he thought there was a McDonald's (yes Mr Reeve your favourite place) it was warm inside there breakdown driver had a word with manager and he gave us all a hot drink and asked his staff if any had a phone charger with them which they did so half charged phone there and made a plan on getting home which was going to be two train rides after a taxi ride to first station the McDonald's manager called a taxi for us which in ten minutes turned up he gave us another hot drink to take away taxi driver was good as he said he would miss out first station and take us straight to Peterborough station but we would have to wait there about 1hr for the train though to Ipswich which was ok then the plan was changed again as the wife and a friend phoned us to say they would pick us up from Peterborough ,taxi driver said for a extra £10 he would drop us at Cambridge services on the A14 great not so far for the friend to drive to and a lot warmer than a station get home just after 10pm crash was about 12-30ish . Colin spent most of Tuesday at Ipswich hospital as it turns out he has a broken thumb ,I plodded on on Tuesday as I had a very important job to do which involved a few chickens as it that time of the year and we cant alter that date, but spent a good couple of hrs at my own drs this morning as pain was beginning to get to me , I have slight concussion and very sore/swollen neck and shoulders as you all now its called Whiplash ,anyway we are all still alive and should be ok the young driver of the car that pulled out in front of us walked away with no injures but I think he will fell sick when the police sort it out
  12. I am probably on the very naughty boy list but no its not that Chris
  13. I passed 4or5 john Deere's on the A14 about 9ish sunday morning I think there was a claas up front and a massey bringing up the rear just past Tothill garage
  14. With my latest tractor ,my IH 474 had this on the seat another one for the collection
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