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Everything posted by robl12

  1. Well same as the past couple of days just working through procedures, also a site visit to do a safety tour.
  2. Yeah went away last Tuesday, yes back to Azerbaijan. I am here till about January next year then on to the next job where ever it may be.
  3. It is much the same as yesterday here again today.
  4. No rest for the wicked eh Tris. At work getting ready for another day of looking at procedures not too bad though only another 2 to complete by thursday.
  5. WOW, this is a truely amazing model. Cannot wait to see it finished
  6. No change in the weather here again today it is around the 30 degree mark and bright sunshine.
  7. Doing more client reviews on the procedures today. early finish today to watch the Man utd game.
  8. I take it that the soil in Holland is free of stones as here in scotland before potatoes are planted the ground needs destoning?
  9. Great pics again Sascha Love seeing the pictures of all the equipment around your area, there is lots of new equipment there.
  10. Nice and sunny again today here in Baku. Was a little windy last night.
  11. Some nice pics there Gav. Up here the headlands are always left this is to allow access in some cases they will grow a strip of barley round the outside of the field.
  12. Just about to finish work for the day it is just coming up for 6 here ( 4 hours ahead) ;D
  13. It is hot in the office with only 4 small ac units and some people do not know about basic hygene and they stink > Need to buy them all deo spray
  14. Well today in Baku is much the same as yesterday about 30 ish degrees and glorious sunshine better think about getting the sun cream out soon. Dusted off the lightweight overalls yesterday along with the safety sunglasses.
  15. Some nice picture there again keep them up always good to see.
  16. It is great knowing that all the money on your payslip is yours ;D
  17. No it is not a oil worker thing my tax is paid in a country that has a double tax agreement with the uk so I am not liable for uk tax and as I am not employed by a uk employer I only have to pay minimum national insurance contributions. If the job was tax free would only be allowed 90 days in the uk.
  18. Bill we have not planted ours yet, it has just been too wet in Foggie. Ridges are all ready now should be in by the weekend. about 15 10ft rows to go in think we have about 7 varities
  19. That is the temperature up to 33 degrees now lovely weather will have to look out the safety sunglasses
  20. Remember that I do not pay tax in the uk or national insurance so I actually see all my money at the end of each month
  21. Getting back to work and finding out that we got a 5% pay rise, a little extra money to spend on models
  22. Well that is me now back at work and it is as busy as it was last time. Straight back into it today with 7 procedures to review before 1st may each one is about 150 pages long ??? There is no rest for the wicked
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