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Everything posted by THEBRITFARMER

  1. Gotta hand it too you Sean those look amazing :P :P
  2. I'll take the rain please -16F last night and 2-4 inches on snow tonight :'( :'( :'( :'(
  3. Looks good so far, looking forward to seeing it progress..........and get those toffifee out and share em with the lads
  4. Indeed we are, how long has it been Ben ? :D :D
  5. Thought I would share this bit of info, up until a few years a go I knew nothing of Britains history. I never knew they were that old. Here it is anyway http://www.vam.ac.uk/moc/collections/toys/manufacturers/britain/britains/index.html
  6. I knew Britains made a sewing machine albeit a lot later on http://www.vam.ac.uk/moc/collections/toys/manufacturers/britain/britains/index.html
  7. Very nice Jez and get some pics posted of the farm
  8. OH YES.........Scalextric as well This is going to be a wicked layout, need some trains as well
  9. Another one to keep an eye Grahams' sheds certainly do seem to be popular
  10. Dollshouse size I believe, that iron was also branded Morphy Richards too. Did they not make a sewing machine that you could actually sew with ?
  11. Cheers Mart, Do you normally keep the sheep inside or do you just construct pens inside a barn to keep them together before you sell them?
  12. Very nice Steve.....I have to agree the Herald moulds were probably the best. The had a very exstensive range of figures and animals
  13. You're bang on there Mark, that's the phrase I was looking for when i posted.
  14. The backdrop finishes it off a treat Mark, blends in beautifully. You must be well chuffed. I know I would be :P
  15. I think there are just 4 of us : theothergreen Finn thebritfarmer and yourself
  16. Snow, snow and more snow It's coming down hard and fast and it's quite windy too I'm off to Fiji :D
  17. Great pics Tris and lovely weather by the looks of it too.
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