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Everything posted by THEBRITFARMER

  1. Nice Mark...is the backdrop new Looks a treat :P
  2. Thanks for that Luke > and the insurance that I had on it means I won't get any money for it either, so my brother owes me a new car
  3. Looks like the office will be the raised area at the back
  4. Thanks Steve for posting these, nice figures I see you have a few of the picture pack items too
  5. Well it's about time someone did one of those Looks absolutely AWESOME Finn
  6. Blimey you kept this hidden smish Looks great
  7. Don't injure yourself Mart !!! Take Barry or Marky with you and use one of them as a shield :D
  8. My brother calling me from Alberta to let me know he totalled my car last night and the other car he hit is totalled too. Thankfully though everyone is ok
  9. Cheers Mart can you get me a set of those horns :D :D
  10. I wouldn't sa......zzz...zzz....zzzz..zzzzz.zzzzzz :D Actually Marky I think it's great that you throw so much passion into your hobby. :)
  11. Nah he doesn't he just photoshopped those brochures to get his own way :D pwwwwwttttt
  12. Well you certainly have churned out some great models Steve. I was undecided about the red centres but I think they are looking good now. I think the small front wheels would look a treat too.
  13. Just had a thought on this Ben, you could display it as though it is being built. Add a bit of scaffolding, wheelbarrows, pallets of bricks etc..and you'd be all set. Probably be much quicker for you to do that than finish it :D :D
  14. Very nice set up Mike, the JD's look great. See those Italeri kits are showing up everywhere too
  15. And this is right up there with them richie :P :P
  16. I would have to agree with Marky on this one..........sounds a bit like flogging a dead horse if you ask me.
  17. Very nice indeed Mart, you managed to contain yourself and refrain from making brumm brumm noises :D :D :D
  18. And if it comes with the taps you could perhaps remove them and use them on the side of a building \
  19. Here Nick http://www.netmerchants.co.uk/product.php/6634/0/ Should do the trick
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