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Everything posted by THEBRITFARMER

  1. :D :D :D You are supoosed to be having quite the storm there Tim It's nice and sunny here although a tad cold and windy about 38F currently and no snow lalalalalalalalalala
  2. I was thinking the one boxed as Banner Lane set would appeal to him \
  3. With all your detailing skills and fine woodwork you're not going to do the inside of the house Mark? Surely you could knock up a few chairs table and a bed or two and then add some lights ;D
  4. Probably about right Gav, that guy buiys alot of stuff on ebay too. They are the Herald versions and not as common, also there are 2 plump chickens from Britains in that lot (based on the lead mould) those 2 alone are probably worth about ?8 each.
  5. Looking good Mark can't wait to see this section of the farm develop :P Many a good time had in the hayloft.......not that I would know being a cityboy and all :D
  6. Well I have just been doing my billing at work, got all my accounts done up to the end of the month and just as I was leaving another big stack was placed on my desk that needs to be done for the end of the month > Glad your Dad is all clear so far Nick, I opted for Geography many moons ago and it ended up being my top subject. I was doing GCSE's the very first year they were introduced ( I got to be a guinea pig :D ). Bad news about your school Rich was it started diliberately? Are you in temp buildings till they rebuild?
  7. Very nice, god there is some talent on this site :P
  8. :o I would give you a punch up the bracket for that comment Fordison, but I will refrain........for fear of losing my fist :D :D
  9. \ \ \ I think that oone may just get ugly tractor of the year award.
  10. Can you Numpty a father though \ :D :D
  11. WOW some cracking pics there guys well done to you all. Loving the black & wwhite pic G! Stroke of genius that
  12. There are literally thousands of different items John, circus, cowboys & indians, zoo, railway figures, soldiers, royalty, farm , knights, civil war, footballers, garden, and a lot of products for other companies (Cadburys CocoaCubs, Nestles World Cow, Sarsons Vinegar Lamb, Walt Disney). Alot of the items were of lead then switched to plastic later on.
  13. [glow=red,2,300]LOOKS GREAT MARK[/glow] :P :P :P
  14. I thought the hitch on that was GREAT. Better than we have seen in a while anyway actually may be even better than the ones from the earlier years too
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