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Everything posted by CMB

  1. I de-hired a Honda strimmer this morning only to be told there was a harness missing. I know for certain there was no harness when I picked it up (though the plant shop argued "we never send out strimmers without harnesses"), but thought nothing of it as I have one at home. They were going to charge me £20 for a new one but luckily accepted my own strap as one of theirs. My own strimmer is kaput so I no longer need it, but I'm still a bit miffed especially as I've been going there for some years now and am scrupulously honest!
  2. I was watching this wondering if I should bid and why no one else had, serves me right for dithering
  3. Digging all morning and early afternoon. Just back from a walk into town with the dog to watch the torch go past.
  4. Enjoy the sun but have a speedy recovery in any case Sean, that sounds nasty.
  5. Could have started a bit lower I suppose, but it not excessive
  6. Found our cat pulling a rabbit apart under a bush in the garden. I think the little bugger's got a larder in there!
  7. And not a lot you can do I suppose when you're off the quiet roads! ZIA NOOOOOO!
  8. Have you been feeding her bones Tris? They make our Ivy puke like crazy
  9. As Tris said that's pretty near perfect! I couldn't paint a model for toffee when I was 14 (not that much better now)
  10. With you there mate. May not have been realistic but as Britainsmad has posted above, they were designed for kids.
  11. I've spent most of my day helping my parents and boss construct a greenhouse and am thoroughly sick of the sight of it now. Brief bit of dumper driving didn't relieve the tedium (or pain in my fingers). Now watching Chelsea play half-heartedly against Bayern
  12. I recognise that, Stibbs is just a mile out of Langtree my second home! Thanks for the memories Paul and great shots btw!
  13. Lucky you spotted him though or one of the cows would be staring at a strange side order with their silage!
  14. TW-15 is a tidy little conversion Are you planning to replace the old Britains 7000 with a new Ford?
  15. But can you remember how it goes back together?
  16. What in the world pulls that grain bin?? :of
  17. CMB

    Hi Guys

    My conscience is clear m'lud, or should I say m'love!
  18. Did you request the Deere Paul or do you just drive what you're given? Myself, I've been doing a bit of fencing in the field below after the farmer went around in his Loadall to check the perimeter. Wiring it tomorrow after a spot of gardening.
  19. CMB

    Hi Guys

    I had my suspicions about a few in here, despite some of the masculine names and male symbols...
  20. Even as a youngster I was unimpressed by these Britains knock-off farm animals and tried to swap/sell/dispose of them as soon as I could, only the genuine thing would do! The painting was poor and even seemed to flake off unlike most Britains plastics. I think I might still have a few though, will have a root around.
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