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Everything posted by CMB

  1. Britains roll in metallic light blue, released circa 1976.
  2. Britains old disc harrow in light blue, Brit sheep dip minus figures and George Poole diesel tank.
  3. This project looked ambitious and fiddley, but it looks you've pulled it off. Never seen this done to a 1:32 Britains before. So does the battery sit in the casting beneath the cab?
  4. Worth £120, maybe £150. No more.
  5. Looks just like the real deal. The paint job is impeccable! [you]The[/you] best 8340 conversion I've seen, I just hope Imber can live up to this accuracy when their 8340 is released.
  6. Yeah I've started bidding -and winning- on E-bay again recently Chris; not good when I have imminent payments to make. Even the cheaper ones add up when you win enough (Britains disc harrow and sheep dip added today).
  7. DDN Fordson I was watching in naive hope it wouldn't top £150. It has unusual front tyres as well, not ones I have seen on a DDN before. E27N I think?: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/380445095255?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649#ht_1447wt_1169
  8. George Poole diesel tank from Ebay, to replaced my last one which I can now sell.
  9. 10/10. I especially like the rain-drenched look you've given it, or is that the soft-focus photographs?.
  10. Grim forecast for tomorrow Mandy, I hope you're inside!
  11. Yeah I had to read that one a few times, are you all right Tim?
  12. Heavy winds and rain here today.
  13. Stunning detail on both tractors and implements
  14. Good to see the weather held for you Bill. I would love to see some of those old implements in operation.
  15. Still haven't found one on sale for <£100 yet . Perhaps I'll offer that E-bay seller £60 with a note attached saying "current market value".
  16. Few questions: how many different makes of big roll do you have in NZ? did you convert that 9240 yourself and what are its components>? is the female driver a genuine release or a 'conversion' ? Some creative photos of your layout by the way!
  17. That auctioneer couldn't pronounce "Deutz" could he?, it came out something like: "Dertz". Few other mispronunciations in there too I think!
  18. CMB

    At work with Gav

    It would be almost worth having someone walk in front and gesture if your wandering off course
  19. I'd have given my eye teeth to be that lad knocked into shape on his dad's farm!
  20. Glad you posted that first Sean, I was going to remark on how Mr Lightland gives Tris a run for his money in the height department! :laugh:
  21. Spanish bluebells or the native variety Sue? In the woods around us, the bluebells are already being outnumbered by wild garlic plants.
  22. What's the yellow thing in the background of the first picture Ol?
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