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Everything posted by CMB

  1. Deutz 6000 or 7000-something (1980), late 1960s Nuffield, MF 35, ancient Oliver and others where I bought my trailer.
  2. Its uneven wear, with the worst on the inside of the tyre Alex. Hard to see because of the shadow caused by the wheel arch. I think the previous owner swapped the tracking-damaged front ones with the rears, seeing how much better the front ones currently are. I have been having trouble keeping the pressures correct, the ones given in the handbook look wrong after I've put air in . (It doesn't help having them given in kilopascals..) Pretty sure it's not that though.
  3. What's in that brew?, it seems to have affected the photographers coordination judging by a couple of those shots! ;)
  4. Seeing the state of my rear tyres just two months after I bought the pick up. Or perhaps I just didn't notice the degradation when I bought it. Anyway a builder friend noticed that the front tracking is out, and that probably accounts for the uneven wear. More expence GAH!!
  5. Sorry John I didn't mean to accuse you of having vermin on your premises. Even with people present, I find pets (particularly cats) want to walk over setting concrete > On a side note, didn't they use those floats as a basis for the hover cars in the first Star Wars film? \
  6. Bought the trailer I had my eye on! ;D I hope it was worth the £450 I paid for it... \ (a lot for me) (Could a mod move this to "Latest General Buys" ? Many thanks.)
  7. Trying to tidy up my DB 1690, an ongoing project. Working on the cab right now.
  8. How do you keep cats, rats etc off the setting concrete or does that not matter?
  9. The ride-on won't start now! Because the field exit is about 75% incline, I had to tow it out with the pick-up. Too tired to look at the mower any more today.
  10. That's my plan too Josh. A friend of mine bought his second petrol Ferguson for £650, which got me interested. Unless I can get an old 4wd for a reasonable price, which would be preferable, then that looks the best option. Let me know what you find!
  11. Hah! No, it's a US-built MTD Yardman with a Briggs & Stratton 9HP engine. Our Honda push mower works well enough.
  12. I gave the 'new' ride-on a go in the field. Reasonably happy with the results, but the cutting deck is only working intermittantly (cutting out when I hit bumps and long grass) and it lacks power and hates slopes.
  13. Trouble is, you kill one batch with a treatment of Frontline, then a few weeks later find new fleas have moved in
  14. They're certainly red and my back is aching Tris, 190kg is a lot for 1 person to carry! ;D Moved a glass cabinet today, not so far though.
  15. Love the mechanic holding a wheel, I want it!!
  16. You could be describing Harold Beer of north Devon there. He has a modern Massey fleet, yet prefers to work with his scores of old grey Fergies and Ferguson equipment.
  17. It would be great to see a few photos of your Lely combine in action Tom. The only Lely machine I've ever seen has been sitting in someone's front garden looking a bit sorry for itself.
  18. Missing the end of an E-bay listing for a rare Britains tipping trailer, and discovering my lost photocard driving licence after having sent off for a new one : I can be such a bloody fu..-halfwit
  19. Yeah I tried that Mandy, unfortunately that program is an .exe file as well ! (rstrui.exe)
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