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Everything posted by Rhysmassey135

  1. fair point does he know you named your small farm after his?
  2. fair enough, good name as well can i ask why you chose it
  3. if you need a name for your farm, steal the english translation of mine fferm bryncadno - foxhill farm hows that
  4. that manor house looks the buisness wouldnt mind owning that when im older :D
  5. have you worked out how much she can lift on the front yet then?
  6. superb pics love the one where its filling up the JD
  7. shes got a fair bit of power then, bit like my 135, shes a pocket rocket
  8. dont let murray hear i like some blues i've always liked leylands since my cousin has a 272 and my uncle used to have a nuffield since i was small, so i grew up with them
  9. wonderful pics BC i love going to working days with vintage machinery intresting leylands there, never seen that 285 before and that bray is stunning thanks for posting the pics
  10. change the C at the start of Citroen to sh and see what you get nah mate im only kidding, my cousins a citroen salesman anyway Please remove pics when quoting replies, thanks.
  11. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320309779271&ssPageName=MERCOSI_VI_ROSI_PR4_PCN_BIX&refitem=290266238148&itemcount=4&refwidgetloc=closed_view_item&refwidgettype=osi_widget&_trksid=p284.m185&_trkparms=algo%3DSI%26its%3DI%252BIA%26itu%3DIA%252BUCI%26otn%3D4%26ps%3D42 how about this then
  12. im sure there was 1 on ebay a while ago was it one of your convos?
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