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Massey Boys Mum

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Everything posted by Massey Boys Mum

  1. Tris's post: http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,13603.2295.html :of :of
  2. All the rest of the farm buildings have our 'autographs' Sue - Apparently I left my mark on the poo pit in early teens ....says it all about me really! Unkelfergus - can you write 'Love to all on FTF from Auntie Jo' on the next lot of concerete for me, then post up the photo?? thanks Bruv
  3. Sorry to hear the very sad news David - treasure those amazing memories. Love and best wishes from Jo.
  4. Great shots Cerin - my favourite it is the one looking at different activity in two fields, in one shot. Keep at it!
  5. Are you trying to block out the Downs? It's huge .......
  6. You could be right boys - I have just Googled 'Huge Erection' and no barns or grain stores came up. Can't understand it .....
  7. Went to a lovely National Trust property - Godolphin, Near Helston in Cornwall with Unklefergus, Auntiefergus, Kev and Smellyexhaust.Great day! On the way, nearly got driven off the road by a Massey because Unklefergus got distracted by a load of scrap in a field ........
  8. Quite right Auntie Sue - that is what I meant of course, and I will be careful to avoid such language in the future.
  9. Tip of the day from Auntie Jo - Never leave a huge erection unwatched!
  10. Just heard that Unkelfergus's lovely Patterdale dog, Nala, went to sleep for ever last night. RIP Nala - you have had a lovely 15years and 5 months. :'(
  11. Who is that rolling? Looks like Rob ... Now about Markys visit. He could help level the slope with some of his excess carrots then we'll send him round to Aunty Joan's for his dinner. After that, he could horse-whip the Maggot and then round the day off a tiny weeny little ride on your hidden and hardly ever shown collection of vintage pristine Masseys. What? oh, sorry Bruv, I thought you had told him about those ....
  12. Well Sean, all I can say to you is 'Never judge a book by it's cover' and a bird is something you either put in the oven or listen to at dawn.
  13. Happy Birthday Richard - hope you have a great day and are spoiled rotten by your family! and a very Happy Birthday to Thomas B too!
  14. Thanks for that clarification - I thought maybe someone had struck gold in Ireland! Hope you get some work - can you offer good references?
  15. No way - never, never, never - would rather he had a donkey!
  16. Sorry to be stupid CJ - what is panning?
  17. Happy Birthday to Rick - now you are sixty-five you will turn into a Massey - all red and shiny with silver bits! Have a great day - we will be celebrating for you - love from Aunty Jo & Cerin
  18. Well I agree that it would be kind of difficult to enforce a rule. But I strongly feel that a statement should be issued - name and shame, public humiliation etc, etc. It appears that it is a young person who perhaps could do with a bit of guidance from elders, who are wise. Pops, you would be my choice, thanks for volunteering. Umbrella is in the post.
  19. Does FTF have a policy on matters such as this? It would really annoy me as well.
  20. Sorry me again. This is nostalgia at its best! Your lovely Grandad has the best hat in the world - and the pair of you in your hand-knitted jumpers - was that your Grans work David? PS You are very sweet!
  21. I agree - separate topic please .... Mod, please organise for us....everyone else, dig out your photos and Bill, that means you!
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