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Massey Boys Mum

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Everything posted by Massey Boys Mum

  1. What a fantastic picture David! Has anyone else got photos of children playing with models? What year do you think it was taken ? I absolutely love the sandals - can remember all my brothers wearing them! Yes, Unkelfergus that includes you!
  2. Thanks Tris for the clarification! If you are naming your farm, the last thing you want to find out is that the lovely sounding name you have chosen actually means "Place that smells of old cauliflowers" or "Tiny old stupid fool"! Blue man - I can recommend google for meanings - just put the word, then meaning - it's amazing what you can discover.
  3. Killeshandra means Church of the Old forts. That's Forts you lot! Shannon means Little old wise one. Cavan means handsome. Clodrum - not sure about this one but I think she may have won the Eurovision Song Contest one year. So, my vote goes to Cavan Farm - tis hansome indeed.
  4. Thanks Mandy - make sure you beat him into total submission. Then we can steal his tractors ......
  5. Thinking of you Tris - it is so difficult losing someone who has always been there in your own life, and who you love.
  6. So very sad to lose your best friend. It is too young to die, must be dreadful for all of you that cared for him.
  7. Excellent Mandy - you appear to have had another 117 visitors to your site today....well done indeed.
  8. Great pictures Abigail - good atmosphere. That donkey is lucky - the sign only says ' Please do not feed the horses'! Don't ever give up hope of having your own horse. When I was growing up my farmer Dad said 'You will never have a pony because I am having nothing on this farm that does not earn it's living'. I cried and pleaded, but it was no good. Until, one fine day, a friend said 'Would you like to have my Arab/Welsh Mountain palamino on loan?'. Of course, I said yes. I persuaded my Dad (I am not sure how, I think I just got my friend to drop the pony off one afternoon after school when he was milking on his own and could not leave the parlour and interfere!). I was then the proud temporary owner of 'Little Richard' and I will give you the next installment another time!
  9. Cerin, my son. also known as Massey Boy is in this group - have a look at http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/group.php?gid=10007621773
  10. Well I liked 'Four Word Story' but it seems to have disappeared .....
  11. Thinking of everyone and their loved ones - sorry, have been a bit busy of late.
  12. Lovely pictures Richard - would make excellent Christmas cards!
  13. What on earth were you doing Sean? bottle digging? mole imitations? practising for 'I'm a model tractor celebrity - get me outta here?......
  14. Sounds like a migraine? That's exactly how it use to affect me - hope you are feeling better soon.
  15. You are being collected but you don't know where you are going? What a trusting soul you are - you might end up somewhere very weird like, well I don't know .....plymouth....
  16. Have a great time bruv - we will expect a FULL ILLUSTRATED REPORT from you..... where exactly are the farms located?
  17. Windy and hot in Cornwall - weird!
  18. Sure are unusual creatures - http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://thirteenstreet.com/images/catfish.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.thirteenstreet.com/&usg=__hW40mHu6iwo4NldpzwtCXcsyoEE=&h=357&w=412&sz=30&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=Pb_rudEjpX6jWM:&tbnh=146&tbnw=149&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcatfish%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D619%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1006&vpy=120&dur=662&hovh=200&hovw=230&tx=145&ty=125&ei=1eGoTMfTCMyNjAe14ri7DA&oei=kOGoTKr0ItOg4QaCh4yxDA&esq=12&page=1&ndsp=17&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0
  19. Oh the joy of FTF ! this is the bonus of having cyberfriends, some of whom you have met!
  20. When I read this I felt really sorry for you. Don't let it stop you doing things and I bet your Mum was so pleased to see you. PS Are you going for compensation from the guy in wheelchair?!!
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