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Massey Boys Mum

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Everything posted by Massey Boys Mum

  1. This is where I work (you would never guess that it's a Citizens Advice Bureau - it's like the Tardis inside!) http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=tr15+2pp&sll=50.020574,-5.254892&sspn=0.006452,0.01929&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Redruth,+Cornwall+TR15+2PP,+United+Kingdom&ll=50.23216,-5.228114&spn=0.00081,0.002411&t=h&z=19&layer=c&cbll=50.232137,-5.228301&panoid=UIuURYq3ajPBX4Q9yHdaQw&cbp=12,0,,0,5
  2. Looking good Richard - we should all post up where we work! I am going to look at mine now .....
  3. Don't take this the wrong way Graham, but I could not stop thinking of 'Masterchef' - little morsels all lined up - yum, yum! Hopefully the stock (sorry!) will agree!
  4. Spooky - also got my onion sets in today, planted 148 (two were mouldy) and decided we still need more!
  5. Spreading manure all around the garden - it's warm in Cornwall today, all the bees have woken up and we have seen three red admiral buterflies!
  6. Not going to Spalding this year - but I will bring some to Toytrac, unless we see you in Cornwall before that time Sue. We could have some in our sandwiches when we go trawling for haddock .....
  7. Thanks for sharing your tour, sounds like a lot of fun - hope Cerin get's the opportunity to do this when he's at college! Did you bring home any souveniers?
  8. Won a cup at the Garden Club annual show for my flower arrangements and got a second prize for my Tomato, Garlic & Chilli chutney. Enjoyed myself - you learn such a lot at these events from people who have been doing it for years.
  9. Really excellent photographs - thank you. It's good to see what happens in other countries - what are the crops being planted?
  10. Is the barricade between Warningore and the rest of the world finally in place? A 16ft gate is a bit exessive in my view bruv ....
  11. Could be that we have found the hiding place for Lord Luchan and Shergar at last .....
  12. Happy un-birthday Rick! May your knot-hole get larger! Now that you are possibly sixty four You'll definately annoy us even more. lots of love from Aunty Jo & Cerin
  13. Nice one Jack - you FTF boys are showing the rest how it's really done!
  14. That's brilliant Richard - well done, we are pleased for you. You'll be able to afford a holiday in Cornwall at this rate ...!!!!!
  15. "To whom much is given, much is required and from one to who much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded" Rings true here eh Rick? Well done for being you.
  16. Cerin's attempt at shaving! Resulted in his bottom lip becoming smaller. Looks like an episode of 'The Mummies Revenge'!
  17. Happy late Birthday to Simon - sorry to hear about your accident - lots of love from Jo & Cerin x
  18. After Massey Boy and his Dad got Flossie the grey fergie going they had a long discussion about the amount of exhaust coming out of the exhaust pipe - then they noticed it was also coming out of the bottom end of the pipe too and decided that she needed a new exhaust. Then, as they were both coughing with the amount of smoke coming out, they both realised they had not put the choke back in! They then proceeded to blame each other!!!
  19. Watching Massey Boy and his Dad working together to get Flossie the Grey Fergies clutch unjammed - what a team!
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