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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. have i missed something colm did this last weekend sean , been out all week so not home to post it ? jodie marsh ? think the word yer looking for pete is imagination well i've had this flexi-coil for years & to be quite honest it's a bit naff , bit like the siku cultivator , but i'll not start on that again , i recall powerstar & i got a right royal going over for the comments made but i had a flexicoil & a broken supa-flow so why not !
  2. once both sets of tines are in place you're ready to go ! it really is that easy marky
  3. apart from the top link supports the main frame is cast the same on both models , with a small screwdriver twist the tines away & down from the supaflow frame & off they come. cut away the first flexi coil holders & replace with the first set of tines just by clipping them into place , the same applies with the mid section tines
  4. for some of the newer younger members who may find their first conversion a little daunting here's a quick & easy first implement conversion to try you will need a britains flexicoil press & a britains bomford supa-flow
  5. his arms never been up & down that fast in his life paul :D :D think know you've made the right decision mark, the road to refurbishment soon starts to get expensive & the trouble with a rebiuld is that once it's done you'll never use it . i find it very sad that the only time the majority of the concours tractors are moved is into a position ready for showing as for the little cabless 240 in the workshop , i'll see if i can get a few pics of one up the road same as yours with the gold badge in yard scraper hell stoneleigh is too dark , always has been, harry ferguson wanted all his tractors to be painted battleship greyas that was his favorite colour , thus the colour of the grey ferguson came about so just lighten up the stoneleigh with some white although i think all the ferguson implements were painted the darker stonleigh grey
  6. thay somehow make the tractor look bigger than it actually is if that makes sence ?
  7. very nice work paul , will you be casting some of the newer bonnets for these tractors at sometime ?
  8. very simple modification replaced the standard britains wheels with some siku 5455 wheels also cut off the front mudguards. just a simple wheelchange but it gives it a more purposefull look compared to the standard britains 2680
  9. whaaaat ? you mean you have tractors that are basic mechanical beasts that dont have gimmicky gears that can go disastrously wrong & expensive to fix \ whats that all about
  10. certainly brings a whole new meaning to 'seeing red' bill
  11. all well & good bill unless you have multi-power in high , then you dip the clutch & for a second look totaly bemused as to why gravity isn't working :D
  12. ok getting a few votes in here but nobodys explaining the reason for the vote they've made
  13. bit of a canumdrum of some members tractors which want to be restored . i have a 168 that needs a few pannels, a few dents to be attended to & some welding & no paint left on the top of the bonnet , my decision is to do a part restoration one day. kev has a 35 which is totaly original , all pannels in place no dents , pretty well perfect condition but lack of paint . my opinion ? keep as is marky has a reasonably rare 240 in very good condition ,all there but just needs a clean up with a some members looking to see a full restoration , some to keep it original. my thought is this we see lots of fully restored classic tractors , nice to look at , but we see very few totally original tractors in good untouched condition which is a shame. two pics to compare please discuss
  14. think you'll be surprised how well that bonnet will come up after a bit of elbow grease with the t-cut mark , at least it's still got paint there , for the 168 i'd be t-cutting rust , as the bonnet has no sign of paint anywhere ! As said above see what she comes up like when she's cleaned up & leave her be for a while , maybe in a few years time you can do a restoration on it ,but like said if it's done now while the excitement is high then it maybe a mistake you cant undo. here's the problem i see with this particular tractor mark. If it was a mainstream run of the mill 240, i'd probably have no problem with the respray restoration, BUT to find an early model with the rare gold anaversary badge in the condition you have would be a shame to tamper with something which is genuinely hard to find . the 240 has not got the icon status ? of the 135 , & many wont be saved from the yard scraper, so in a few years time these little tractors will be pretty scarce to find in the condition you found yours in
  15. some good pics from yer phone luke , looks like you kept busy the summer between the showers , how'd you find the deutz by the way ?
  16. hmm lucky boy adam ! is there a lap belt fitted ? or maybe a bracket for a roll bar ? got to be very carefull chap , bad enough rolling a cabbed tractor ,i shudder to think what could of happened with a cabless one sometimes 4wd can cause the accident as much as avoid one , go carefully mate ,it's easy done , been there done that & as long as yer ok no harm done
  17. real beastie to operate as well tris, was awfull trying to hitch anything up on the back though, but pulled like a train , went like one as well , my mate came to move the holding vessel with a 40kph 145-54 renault , & i passed him with this on the ilminster bypass his face was a picture mind you i dare say so was mine ,scary stuff \
  18. demount HOWARD 250 spreaders were used as were shawnee dumptrailers
  19. got a pretty good collections of yellows now mark , makes good reading too
  20. he's just leaving it as is , was once the main tractor , but is looking out for another scraper tractor , so he can retire this one properly bit of hayturning & mowing will all it'll get to do then , not a full resto , just a good tidy up & maybe a few patches to weld into the mudguards
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