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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. would be great to see these fleets now the credit crunch has hit & the rise in fuel price hasn't dropped, hope you all got dream accountants & dream customers to run all this stuff , else the dream reposession man will think all his dreams have come true so then now the credit crunch is here , how many of you big fleet contractors is down to the one tractor with a hedge trimmer & round baler sat in the yard :D
  2. err yeah i spose it is mate sorry peter \ like the write up all bar spelling me name wrong
  3. the only ones i've seen also taper while on the trailer & i've not seen them with the taper covered either
  4. ooh................. i spy with my little eye ..................... DPH :D
  5. OK blake does this mean yer going to start knocking them out at £12.99 now then
  6. sean i think the amish do tend to avoin modern machinery so i've heard , but it's the menonite comunity that wont have pneumatic tyres or indeed rubber on their land read this some where ?..........................? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? darren tebbit in CT went to the states ! had a pic of a C-IH maxum5140 ? on steel spade wheels , even when a dealer comes with a new tractor , wooden boards are put down to change from tyres to steels . but apparently lots of waranty claims are being submitted as steel has no give as opposed to rubber & the transmissions aren't liking it much !
  7. good to see a decent model as you'll be hard pressed to see many real one's still working got a pic of one of these rusting away in a gateway somewhere \
  8. MJB1

    corn trailer

    blimey havent seen one of those for years mate no tris not for storage , you've bound to have seen them all it was is a flatbed 3t fergie trailer with a fabricated bin / tub ?which was strapped or bolted to the floor of the trailer , as said above about 2/3rds back the sides would funnel intothe grain shute , i supose bagger combines were on their way out bulkers were on their way in , small fergie trailers wern't equiped with high sides so was propably a quick fix till trailer manufactures caught upwith high sides. i would imagine many were scrapped , but i'll keep an eye out for one on my travels they do come round every so often
  9. hmm doesn't look a very comfortable position for the coil to be mike , but thats where it'd sit on it's own frame , maybe the contrast of the green on the yellow makes it look this way. how'd you get on removing the coil brackets from the mainframe ? i found the flexi coil plastic to be a bit brittle compared to the supaflow
  10. couse not mike , although i'm sure im not the first to do this either ! yes removing the mudguard does make a marked difference to the look of the tractor & yer right their absence increases the bulkiness of the tractor. sean front mudguards are retro fitted as they weren't offered as a standard fitting although i'm sure you could have specified them as an option although front mudguards wern't really a common sight in the uk at the time unlike euroland , anyway these old busses arn't a favourite for road work so rarely go fast enough to flick the dirt up ! the 2640 /80, still one of my favourites to work with & a great model to have
  11. some good going there lee , not often these come about here for conversion .was thinking about taking the cab off mine & fitting it with siku linkage to use as a 780 yard scraper tractor
  12. don't know about you mike but from the rear the whole tractor looks so much bigger with the wider tyres on , it also sit's a few mm's higher
  13. yes mate still classed as agricultural mate , know of a few up round here as well still used for blowing
  14. well i wonder who spec'd that body as it's got some strange configureation for the compartment sizes ! It's obviously an adaptation from an old 8wheeler with a 3rd axle fitted. It's very unlikely to have all the compartment gates in , but if it had the compartments would hold (from the back ) 3t,1t,5t,2t,3t,5t, = 19t thats roughly for cattle feed so for grain that trailer must be carrying approx 25T thats obviously why the 3rd axle was fitted ! so unless it's taxed as a haulage vehicle i'm with Gav , i certainly wouldn't want to take it past either a ministry or VOSA checkpoint \ next time i'm down round that way i'll keep an eye out for it !
  15. does the trailer still have all the blower parts or has it just been converted to a straight tipper mark , cant see if it's got a pto shaft
  16. welcome along paul , hope you got a healthy bank account ................you'll need one now & indeed a warm welcome to the massey massive , i'll appologise for the other colourfull members but they do have their uses , well after all it's good to look down on people less fortunate in their tastes :D :D
  17. likeing that tristopher likeing that indeedy yes indeed
  18. doesn't look bad at all mike , but maybe the regular britain wheels not the MB Trac ones would be better ?
  19. yes i saw them out in the field , but cant of taken much notice of them , they looked in place where they were , bit like a lot of farm equipment , that sort of thing is always there so you just dont see it so your display was spot on mate
  20. not really mate as the supa folw linkage was broken , i spose i could have cut the frame to re fix to the flexi coil frame . been waiting a year or more for you to do yer bl00dy massey version of the supa flow let alone mixing & matching different machines :D may not have to do too much cutting mike as it looks like the flexi coil side rails are slid along the sides of the mainframe ,so i think with a little encouragement they should slide off just leaving a green frame , the tines will also fit onto the flexi coil without removing either of the coils anyway
  21. yeah well nobody else will listen to me :'( :'( :D i spose you're my sounding board when i'm brainstorming mate
  22. hmm.................. yeah....................thanks for that colm ok kids leave the flexi coil & find an old machio powerharrow &... http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=12950.0
  23. hmm missed this ? well done tris , i was messing about with silage sides for these trailers last year, albeit trying to modify the britains ones you got them looking spot on mate ,may give it a try at sometime
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