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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. I don't know if the Muir Hill was unloaded outside of the main gate but while I was preparing to leave, it came roaring on the gate! Do the model sales ever produce anything rare or otherwise interesting?
  2. Brilliant! :D So if everybody promises not to tell a soul and then tells just one person.....
  3. I'm glad to hear it, Pete. Where did you find it? I need to get the spirit back too!
  4. No, I think she was pleased with the interest she generated, I thought she was fantastic and I know others thought the same. Treemendous, even! Terrible!
  5. That maize field is bang on!! The whole layout now, with these recent changes and additions is even more brilliant than before. I bet the view from the master bedroom of that wonderful farm house is stunning, Paul.
  6. It certainly is an art, Sue. I hope she knows all their Latin names too, call herself an expert?!! She told me it was a relatively quiet day but I think it may take a while for her to make an impact in our hobby as nobody else does it quite like her.
  7. Just had a long overdue catch in topic, Neils. Some wonderful silage making photos earlier in the year, the two DB's look great out there in the sunshine. Nice bit of grass too by the looks of it. You may well have said but how many head do you have at home for the silage to be fed to? Is the forecast for the onions looking better than last year and the unfortunate luck you had?
  8. Lovely, would look lovely parked in a wood with a little saw bench hitched on ready for a bit of winter wood cutting
  9. Good to see you back posting, the Cases are lovely. There is a Commemorative Case not far from where I work, a real minter too. The blues look lovely too by the way, right up my street they are. I am envious of your talent.
  10. Nice to see the updates coming and a chance to get to see your models again, Pete. Especially your own built machinery.
  11. How does the 77 handle with no front weights on when hauling that gert trailer then, Tim?!! Lovely updates, looks like it has all been going on down at Manor. Are the mowers new? Any probs with the JCB? What was the little Hitachi doing, tidying up or a bit of building? TX is looking grand, quality old girl.
  12. Got me Nikon back after I had to admit it to photospital for the second time. All looks good so far and even got a software update. One more readmission and I get a new one....
  13. Charlie who joined recently under the username Watermill has some prototype Britains Land Rovers.
  14. I was tempted by those trees too Sue, especially the bigger ones. The price was a reflection of the time and quality these trees have in them. I photographed by purchases earlier so here they are:
  15. :ha ha!: :ha ha!: :ha ha!: :ha ha!: We normally say "I've just dropped the kids off at the pool".....
  16. Yes you must! I also have one of his bangers and some other bits. We took a drive up to Witney one weekend to collect it all. I'll.put pics up of my buys later today with a bit of luck
  17. Is it a 1/50th scale crane, then? Like John, I have only seen videos of this type of kit but it looks to me like you have done your research and got this model down to a very fine finish. Have you seen real ones like this working?
  18. If the man JDC is to get one. .... There will be some stunning models being drafted up! I'd love to see what you could do with one of these, John
  19. Paul, that's terrific!! Your Mums a dark horse, this should be out at every possibility!! It's great, really great. Until Mandy and Frazer came along 1/87 was the only scale with a decent amount of scenic accessories. Richie, who hasn't been seen for a while admittedly also has a superb 1/87 home based layout complete with railway running through it! I hope Mum can get busy on this again while that flipping kitchen fitter gets back to his job!!
  20. Fair play Sean, this looks nice. I used filler on the insides of my buildings too but never thought of it for doing a wash in coat to plug any exterior gaps. I used Bostik Impact glue though, not PVA. Nice shape to this house, it's going to look a treat on Ash Tree. Maybe I ought to start mine too!!
  21. Luke, your humour is a class act and I can honestly say - it has been missed!
  22. Poor Mrs Paulali, 16yrs is a bloody long time. One of our cats reached the same age mate and it was so strange when there was this absence there. Hope she has her tears made easier by a bit of pampering mate and that sort of thing.
  23. After an already busy week at work while battling a stinker of a cold; today began at 7am hitching father-in-laws Bomford Kestrel trimmer on his Case 4210 and heading off to do the perimeter hedge of a Warminster nursing home. Back at 10am to do his own roadside hedge, grease, sharpen and unhitch the trimmer. Quick stop at home to unload my logs which have been in the van since Tuesday, gobble down Tracis finest scrambled eggs in toast. Grab the dog and off up the log yard. Currently delivering a 1.3cu/m load of 9" logs in Marlborough via the wheelbarrow. Back to load a double (2.6cu/m) load of 9" for a local pub ans the reload for Monday. Probably have a go with the frisby with Zia on our way home..... Then.... I am sitting down!! Before no doubt finishing of the skirting board!!
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