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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. How is it, people who do not work for Britains nor the company's who have machines being miniaturised by Britains are 'in the know'? If someone is not connected to either company knows what is coming a) they shouldn't and they've no need to keep it secret!
  2. Stumps your growth that does!! I'll be there gentleman, ladies, Sean. ..
  3. Week off work. Plenty of DIY to the spending the time on but nonetheless, no 4am starts, no late finishes, plenty of dog walking, lazy mornings, visits to family and hopefully crack ok with painting, floor sanding/treating, electric and so on to get front bedroom sorted.
  4. Oh Pete that is stunning, what a fantastic transformation from that hulk of a toy it startes out as. Will you have a classic Inter to haul the grain away? Is this now NOT your last conversion? Is there more to come from MPR?
  5. Tender would best describe it, Sue and a bit stiff. It was right across the knuckle of my left nose picking finger. It was logged in the book yes and also notes made in the first aid kit of products used. Hell of a kit they have, +20 employees must bring with quite an HSE and First Aid responsibility......... Even more so with me around!! Your Royal Subject, Sir Tris of Squashedfingershire.
  6. Well there we are, Mandy agrees with me and she should know what with being Lady Diorama
  7. I know, Sue. I'm terrible, although this time it was late, dark and I thought the bloke in the JCB had his hands OFF the controls when I went to just give the last scrap Massey cab a shove on the lorry bed...... He didn't and he decided to shove said cab with the machine instead. Bang, squash, yelp!! Just got back with a 135 and two 165s all on the rigid.
  8. Pleasing reading, Jordan. Much the same where I work from 15 - 21 years of age. I was taught so much on the farm back then, wrnt there having never driven a tractor and left having done everything we did, drilling, spraying, ploughing, combining, cattle work....... Like you, the list just goes on! Again, good on you.
  9. Deere-est

    tonto's pic

    I like that 4wd Massey, nice little puffer that is. Nice to see a Foden still working hard too, I bet that double drive takes you anywhere doesn't it?! CAT powered or Cummins? Do you work for a timber company or are you on all sorts of work with your lowloader?
  10. That is a lovely looking tractor, very nice indeed.
  11. I think they do - the new linkage and steering front axle are testament to that. However the process between floating an idea and buying a toy is a lengthy one. A JS200 with high rise cab would be a popular toy as it would have a lot of moving parts/functions. It would be an odd choice with nothing else in the range for it to be played with though. The hookloader idea however is a very good one as all manner if bodies could be made separately in the following release schedule. Again, a great functioning toy it would.make as well. A JS130 as said earlier really is a good shout though, many uses, great functions, makes future toy ideas an even wider choice.
  12. If it was a better detailed baler with a proper flat eight sledge, Paul then I'd say the Imber 6640. For the Britains machinery though, Is pick a Britains Ford.
  13. What a fantastic mix of jobs you are doing, Jordan. I bet there is no looking back now, remember when some of us were saying not to get blinded by the big fancy machinery, thousands of acres etc etc. Sometimes it pays just to step back and look for a farm which may not be running all the biggest, latest kit but does keep much of its work in house. I'd be happy as a pig in pooh to have your job even now!! Lovely update, buddy
  14. Stain and laquer for the floorboards in the front bedroom. Going for white stain this time
  15. Hedgetrimming, then loaded and sheeted the artic for delivery of hay on Wednesday. Then loaded the rigid with scrap cabs to take awaybtomorrow, culminating in me getting a squashed finger. All I can say is I was extremely lucky to have gotten away with a bruise and a scrape. That's not to say I've been milking it with Traci though. "Ooh, Trace can you just make me a cuppa and put Eddie Stobart on the iPlayer for me.... Thanks Bab, I feel ever so queezy." What does a one finger salute in sign mean........?
  16. I would build up as many of the parts first if you can. Maybe on sections? Plastic Weld will muck up the paint.
  17. Super single lorry tyres, Barry. Any custom remoulds, Dan Mitchell maybe? Get a few different tread patterns for authenticity. Had a 4m trailed version where I worked as a youngun'.
  18. Far from it, it was never used on dung either. Even the wooden floor is in very good shape. The 135 which came with it was more worked but still a cracker. Uploading to PB now. That UH one will do me, close enough for my liking
  19. That one has the original sides but when farmer bought the trailer brand new, the first thing he did was take them off so they didn't get spoiled! They were inside the trailer when I took the photo, they've since been put them on. Nice looking old thing.
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