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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. That is ace, I can imagine the scene I'm that wooded hill side on the farm boundary, river at the bottom if the slope, dry stone wall circling the wood. The winter tyre marks and ruts inbetween the trees....... rusty old tin shed to have a brew in....... Love the latest projects, further proof to your enthusiasm and eye for something different.
  2. I'll give you £15 for the three ...... AND I'll even pay the postage! :D
  3. Interesting to see some home grown machinery manufacturing, Olly. Would they make many units or is manufacturing more on a made to order basis, with companies turning their hand to making other things during quieter times?
  4. How far down is the moisture, Markus? It's nice to see your thread up and running again, it will be nice to follow your wheat crop through to harvest. Will you keep, sell or chop the straw?
  5. Been a day or two since I last posted in here but I have just won thus for my oldies collection
  6. This is a fine model you have put together, I really like forestry models. I look forward to yhe display you plan to build
  7. Can't knock that for a nice Good Friday job, Paul. I finished the chain harrowing today by doing 70 acres. Then went round the cattle, did a couple of injections in some calves and then cut a bar out of a ring feeder as one of the bulls had his head stuck in it! :D 11hrs clocked and Traci is doing me Mediterranean roast veg to go with my fillet steak. Perfick!!
  8. I remember seeing that one before, yes Erik.
  9. Wow, Erik. You have found yourself a great shed. The International's look great in there, almost like a museum. Is this your first 1/16th scale shed?
  10. Nice scenery there, Paul. Very nice indeed. Sean I'll remember that, we keep Easy Start in the lorries for getting old junk to start but I also have Lynx in my overnight bag! Well for me it was a busy day and a bit. Last night I left the yard at 17:30 and pulled up at Crowlas at 22:00 for the night in the rigid. Then this morning I left there for a farm just the other side of Penzance where I collected two well rotten Masseys, a canned 135 and a 565. Leaving there I headed back up to Tiverton where I met the artic. Winches the two tractors up on to the lowloader and went to a saleground and picked up a Kverneland 5f reversible, took that out to the artic and cranes it over onto the lowloader, back to the saleground and lifted on a 4m Massey drill, 2f Ferguson Ridger and a generator and headed home. Unloaded, reloaded with a 3065 and loader with bucket, tines and spike for my job to Taunton. FRmer is trading in a poorly 3120 I think.
  11. It's the norm, Chris. I think the mobile card devices are expensive to rent if you don't have one already. At least now I know to take less money....... As you keep a wad in your back pocket! :D
  12. You chaps kept the tills rattling by the looks of it! Some envious buys, not least Johns purchase of the 699 from Martyn. May gave to make a beeline for his stand at the next show I go too if that sort of thing is going to be offered...... *cough* Massey 698T 2wd, front weights, stainless straight pipe *cough* :D
  13. Ironically I ser more of what is on show from you peoples' photos than I do when I attend! I scan browse when I walk round Spalding, usually missing a fair few nuggets!! John, Mike, David thank you for your time on the day amd for uploading your eye candy. Martyns stand looks very sweet indeed, the 600 series would have been more than welcome to come home with me!! George Pooled buildings as ever, look superb. I do like that farmhouse and the old cattle pen with shed. Very nice indeed. As are the models on show and the stand in general underneath the Model Farmer and Farmtoys Forum banner. Andy has done a fantastic job with that. If I'd known John was taking his combine....... I'd have dug out my swag bag!! :D Dans stand looks well and truly rammed with his models too, as does Pauls. I hope they both did well on the day. I hope you all did, gutted I missed it. I spent the morning cleaning out the fridge!
  14. Looks like there were some well laid out stalls there, Mike. Great looking stand for FTF/MF, Andy.
  15. In true impatient stoppy back style...... Any photo's yet? Well someone was going to say it! :D
  16. I tell you what, Luke..... Bag of grass seed and that fertiliser will come in handy!
  17. . . . .... erm .... .. it's just that they make me sneeze. .. .
  18. Not on a Sunday mate! You can leave me out of it!!
  19. Nice little farm you have got yourself there. Lovely little view of the youngstock out watching their winter feed being harvested.
  20. Is that Westons or Thatchers, Sean? For me, two pizzas from the local takeaway. .... called Zia believe it not.
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