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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. Keighly and Dewbury for me tomorrow then back down to Leamington Spa. Two Belarus 'oop noorth' and a Ford 7610 at Leamington. Out overnight tomorrow in The Scania Hotel.
  2. Cool, what are you looking at Luke? I always liked the F150 we used in 03 on the harvest run. 5.4 V8 I think. It topped out at only 100mph or there abouts but Christ did it ever get there quick! Would love one over here
  3. Good reply and I'm in full agreement with you. Manufacturers are starting to watch the hobby and listen (at the expense of the cottage industry in custom and scratch building but that's another subject entirely). Some are making toys, others are making models. There is a distinct difference and it usually the price which confirms which market it is aimed at.
  4. Stripwood? If you want to replicate a shed made from steel, don't use wood. I used all manner of Plastruct to make my past sheds. I can't remember what I used now but there are pics in my Leverets Farm topic of the dutch barn structure before any cladding or paint. Worth a kook for some ideas.
  5. Seeing this, Britains could so very easily produce a Britains Detail range.... Nice work, Blake.
  6. That's the important bit after all. It's a nice looking model, Dominic. I wonder how an Imber 40 series cab might set you off, hard part would be sitting it on top of the Britains floorplan I guess.
  7. In a league of your own, you are John. Having done such an outstanding job on your TX34, dare I say it but I can see you trumping that by the time this is done..... and that TX was really something!! I think you should strike up a partnership with Nigel Ford producing kits for a new SCALEdown range....
  8. If it's realism you want Paul, I wouldn't go for the Britains Marston trailers, they're a let down. I'd recommend Dan (three oaks) for Richard Western and Marston or Andy (Big A) for his Stewarts. Either are worth the money. On a separate note, saw a Kane in Bucks last week being pulled by a Fendt 718.
  9. Work today with pup in tow. Delivered a few loads, cut three loads of 14" logs and delivered them. Even managed a socialising exercise by walking Zia around Devizes town centre, she was coo-ed over, stroked by passer by after passer by and behaved impeccably. Here she is sat in one of the Cabstars.
  10. Smart fleet, some ROS G/70 series New Hollands will get them finished off lovely
  11. Being passed by a Slovak in a shabby DAF 95 today, him on the limiter and me like everyone else doing 40mph in an average speed check within roadworks. Bloody foreign hauliers (not all) run however they like over here with a minimal chance of being held to account.
  12. Just brilliant on the diorama. I saw. Similar machine today, a Unimog with rear chopper and Valtra with a forestry crane loading it. Smart little diorama you have built to show off your lovely model
  13. Sounds like two very good reasons to be pleased to me, Mark. Glad Dad is on better form, matey.
  14. The weather we've been having, you'll miss applying your skills on interiors! Naa, go for it bud. Jobs a Jon at the end if the day. For me today, another load of hay up to Lampeter. Filled the lorry up on the way back...... £890 odd quid!! Then back to the yard empty and loaded up for Cheffins, cabs, wheels, tyres, mechanical parts, all the usual guff. Started today at 03.45 and tomorrow will be much the same for a non stop punt up to Sutton and the sale ground.
  15. Some interesting comments here, Gav and Rob have given some good food for thought. Have you approached your boss yet? Not your manager, your boss. I wonder if you get drawn in by the big acreage, fancy machinery and so on, Jordan. It is easy to fall for it, I did the same in at least one job in the past. You may feel like you have been stuck at the bottom as that is where your employers see you fit, maybe because they have a team built up who do alm the glory jobs. I spent part of my middle year on a 2000 acre, 1000 head arable and beef farm. Modern kit, not many jobs left to contractors S they had their own combine, plough, forager and baler and what did I do? Bale cart a summer and slurry tanking all winter from their piggery. I went back to the 500ac farm I started on where I did the combining, drilling, spraying, cattle work with 40 sucklers and latet 200 bull beef.... Aim lower and you may go higher Jordan.
  16. Work with Zia again today, I love taking her with me Boss has slipped a disc so it looks like it's all down to me for a few weeks now.
  17. Can you sand it off once it goes off, Mike?
  18. Work with Zia today. She loved it I think. Scrabbling around the yard, having customers coo-ing over her, riding around in the van. One thing she did not like however was a horse..... Bark? I'm surprised she hasn't lost her voice. Now, she's fast asleep on her bed infront of the woodburner
  19. Traci is going to find it easy shopping for ny birthday and Christmas this year. I now await the planned release date, the subsequent delay, the eBay pre order whores and finally, the actual delivery!
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