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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. Mmmmmmm plenty of fat on'em!! They actually tolerate her being around but like to have their distance. I think like a fox that isn't on the prowl, they now Zia is no danger. Trouble is, everything is a play thing to her..... including Smokey and Griffin much to their displeasure! She has had her jabs now so will be being walked later in the week. We put her collar and lead on for the first time today, no bother at all. She takes everything in her stride quite well. Although I have to admit, my nose fell victim to her front teeth last night. ... talk about watery eyes and bloody tissues!! My own fault for playing to rough and too close though, I can only blame myself for putting her in the situation to go for me even if it was in a playful manner. We're learning as much as she is and most of the mistakes she makes (at the tender age she is) is due to mistakes we have made beforehand.
  2. Brilliant. .. .. Guess who had the best dog. ... Yep, the other chap! :laugh: :laugh: No, Zia was superb. We have been doing commands at home for over a week now so telling her to sit was a doddle. She already does that, comes to heel and stops doing anything when we say No. One chap had a smashing sable dog pup, huge while only 10wks same as Zia. What a thug of a dog though. Started playfully and then went a bit phsyco.... which surprisingly enough did not scare our little Zia!! The chaps owner said "Oh, that's just him being dominant" .. .. sounds like a long road to knowwhere for him and his pup. One couple who came just to view the pups even said of all of them, oours would be their preferred choice. We were so pleased with her... Then we came home and she went for the rabbits
  3. Fantastic news Ciaran. To have seen your first images here and then your models come along to the Spalding show in your rucksack and now, up on the webpage of McConnel themselves. .... what a journey and if anyone deserves it for hardwork, then you'll be that man. You've a skill many would love to have and very few do. .. .those that do often grow egos which are somewhat exaggerated but you're not one of them chaps. Really pleased to see this and to have the models being marketed and endorsed by the OEM itself .. . Sheer brilliance mate.
  4. Love the Rotties infront of the Claas combine, another handsome breed of dog. As on FB, Mark - Patrick is a cracking dog. Sleek as an F1 car!
  5. Lovely fleet if Case's, I always didi have a fondness for the 51 series. We had two 40's at Lackham College, first powershift tractor I ever drove. Picked up a well used 434 this past week along with another something or other, no badges and a red oxide repaint!
  6. Wow, she really is a pretty thing. Very sleek and proud looking.
  7. I love those grain bins and the little cleaner in between with the augers. Looks so typical of the farms I visit down that way. The stone effect works wonders, I used it for my concrete yards
  8. Mark!! What a thing to think....... . ;)
  9. Menheniot? I've been there in a Saxo, no problem. I also tried going there in a 44t artuc when I was on brick an block........ I was stuck in the lane for five hours :'( Love that old stone building, very nice and typical of Cornwall too. Lovely jubbley, Graham
  10. Too much spice can give you wind though
  11. Presumably this chap does grass with his machine too so the extra work makes this side of the operation more cost effective. Would the chopper unit still be in situ or is it just picked up and composted as is? Also, is it blended with other materials to make the compost? Certainly seems a damn sight easier to take it away completely in this way that's for sure.
  12. P.S Are they any left for you to collect? It's just the Field Python I need now.
  13. I believe there was a Class 95E or 75E also, Mike. Only ever seen it referred to here though.
  14. Flipping, blinking, blimey, John! That really is a lovely little model you've put together, you have just got to build a diorama. All these smashing models you make...... I reckon you'd make a brilliant Lethamshank in small.
  15. Picked up a 6700 down near the tank ranges at Bovington this morning, colliding with a deer en route. No damage to the rigid but the deer was annihilated, poor thing. Pretty sure it didn't feel much though, although I did........ Under all the nearside wheels Then dropped off the 67 at the yard, delivered a Belarus to a customer after having a new clutch fitted, then picked up a 7600 up near Didmarton, Glos.
  16. Ah ha, I see. Insurance can get funny in this case so I hear, being off the public highway \ Have you had any luck there yet?
  17. Parked with your headlights on? Isn't that an offence in itself though? \
  18. You will up my way! Last years calender hosted half adozen at least from surrounding villages.
  19. I do not purposely seek out Limited Editions but if a version of something I have used is available in limited numbers then it does make the model even more special. With the hobby ever growing, I have voted for up to 1000 being a sensible cap for a Limited Edition. Anything above that I think is flogging a sale and taking the mick out of collectors.
  20. You lucky sod!!! God I wish I has space like that here :'( Any r/c models to make the most if your huuuuuuuge display arena?!!
  21. You can pack that in for starters you dirty boy!! :laugh:
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