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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. Cheers Robert. I can offer space on a long or short term basis and her indoors will even cook you tea!
  2. That's awful Sean, retires to a steady life and bam. Time up. Cruel, cruel world at times. Some kind of consolation in that he didn't suffer for too long.
  3. Thanks, Sue Oh, if any breakages do occur, it was Marks turn. . .
  4. Missed a few which just won't do so Happy Birthday all of you, especially our Auntie Sue!! I could get a job writing cheesey cards! :D
  5. You wern't there at the time, Sue. I wouldn't to do anything like that without your say so.
  6. I know that feeling, the only space I could put the dairy house was in the bedroom we are yet to renovate! This is the beef shed I must get back to soon:
  7. That's better, I can see your photo now. I couldn't earlier on the old 'phone! I built my first one just like you are but I soon learned to build on base board. . . Gives the structure some strength.
  8. Big. Shiny. Smart. I like it 8) Oh and yes, 7499 definitely.
  9. Swish new set of wheels there, Mart. Nice update throughout to be honest. Looks like you are being kept very busy and turning your hand to all sorts of things now. How long have you been here now?
  10. Some wern't too bad then! A few shaky ones in there folks (Andy again!. . . or me \ ..... .. probably me. .... ok it was me [ ) Some nice work on those dioramas there and just about every decade covered by them all together. Nice to look back and see what I missed. I wanted more pics of Sues diorama cases really but it is so hard photographing them through the glass \
  11. The nice thing about Plastic Weld is you can use it to make plastic go soft and therfore it bends nicely. Applied with a brush, it cleans the brush each time too. Even after weeks of not using the brush. It's in 'Types of Glue and their uses' in the Hints and Tips topic
  12. A nice size shed then, look forward to watching the progress I have built four or five like this now. The biggest being for Tim. I have my own beef shed to finish and next I'd like to build a grain drier
  13. How about the possibility of making it in two halves for storage and moving it around?
  14. I convert all the imperial measurements into millimetres and then divide by 32. The dairy house I built Tim (manor farm) was 12ft eves and 20ft bays I think, can't remember what the span was. How high is yours to the eves? This will help you decide on a use, if it works out right for stacking boxes in then make it a root store, if not then it can be a machinery/general purpose covered storage.
  15. I think the £12 included free postage but not any more. I have used EMA a lot and usually they despatch the same day if you order before 2pm I think it is.
  16. I like the line up of David Browns, looks like the DB owners club at a tractor show!
  17. Must be gravity! Really really nice work and lots of it too. Lovely diorama. Where do you have it set up, do you have a workshop or garage or do you have it in the house?
  18. Excellent scenes from the straw hauling, Mark. You got some very nice bits and pieces from Mandy and your farm shows them off really well buddy
  19. Looks like everyone has had a nice Sunday today I spent the afternoon shifting topsoil from the new shed site to a by lane in need of levelling - after the mornings jobs and being treated to a pub roast up the village! Tidy. Now doing my invoices for Sept/Oct ... . which I hope are also 'tidy'!!
  20. STOP SHOUTING! :D I can't view pics on my rubbish 'phone but I can take a guess they look spot on given your other brilliant pieces.
  21. Dave has said he will keep us in the know with this so I urge you all to be patient. When there is news, I'm sure Dave will let us know
  22. Got a few odd jobs to do, move a creep feeder, move a ring feeder and give the bulls some haylage. Once those are done I think I'll be lending a hand on the site where the new beef building will be going. Most of the stone is down but I think there is more topsoil to take away. So much going on here it's unreal!
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