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Everything posted by jordantaylor

  1. weise toys fendt xylon, a fantastic model and i really must say its a model you will not regret buying
  2. pic 1- here are the calf hutches on the pad at work pic 2- the point of whitch we got all the slats down pic 3- jd 6400 in the workshop having the transmission sorted out pic 4- jd 6120 2wd replacement for the 6400 pic 5-neibours fendt 718 bringing down another 280 lambs to graze on our pasture over the winter months pic 6- jd 7530 with dribble bar parked up after spreading slurry pic 7- calf hutches, and the concrete pad cleaned for a nice row of clean hutches to be lined up ready for new calves pic 8- massey 565 with trima loader at te small holding where we have 40+ heffiers in a straw yard and cubicle shed pic 9- entrance to the small holding pic 10- just a taste of the fog we had for 3 days straight, this was at 2:30 in the afternoon and i could barley see the farm from 50 metres away, driving down the road to the small holding was pretty dangerous especially with the bale spikes on the front
  3. i found out a few months ago that we actually have 2 county 1184 tractors. the one is an N reg and the other an E reg. the E reg machine is usually away from the farm on an irigator or pumping slurry. we we using both machines not long ago to do fencing work.
  4. here you can see the preparations for the new cubicles to go in, we are joining them up to the presant cubicles. they are now finished but her we can see the walls going into place for the slurry pit drainage. we had to pump all the slurry from the other side of the wall of the present cubicles so we could cut the wall out and join the rest of the pit up
  5. well its been a while since i have posted in this topic but it has been pretty quiet at the farm. firstly we are expanding our sheds. we are having another 26 cubicle in the main cubicle shed to take us up to full capacity with 420 cubicle beds. we are also having the machinery shed(originally built for cattle) converted into a straw yard. we have had two large cattle pens built in the straw shed able to take up to 15 cattle each. we are having the yard finished with hardcore and then in the next few months we will be starting to build a multipurpose machinery/straw shed. we are also having slats put down in the current straw yard. the weather has not been kind to us though, we have had around 35 acres of land flooded by the river a few weeks ago, we have also had some problems with a bug going around the calves so are awaiting the results of a muck report to see what it is. fortunatly we have only lost a bull calf to this bug and since have been ontop of it . we have only lost 2 calves since i have worked there from oct 1st 2011, one of which was born dead and the other was shot due to having this bug. to controll this all the calf hutches and mesh fronts were all disinfected and pressure washed along with milk feeders and water/nut buckets. the concrete pad where the hutches are kept has also been washed and disinfected and left for a few days and now everything is being put back. might seem drastic action seen as we have only lost one calf to it but it just prevent s anything else and probably why our mortality rate is so low. pictures will soon follow
  6. what ever happened to richard, this was a superb topic and absolutily stunning photos and one i always looked foward to, its a shame it hasnt been continued for a very long time
  7. its been a while since i have done a model farm so i thought id start from scratch. i am basing it on a small sheep farm with 480 acres of arable ground and 130 acres grassland/woodland. there will also be a small contracting fleet aswell. machinery will consist of: fendt xylon 524, mf 5430, mf 6920 with loader, jd 6930 with loader, jd 6930, jd 7430 and valtra N142 the farm has 65 acres of land as stubble turnips for sheep, 270 acres of weat, photos will start to pop up as i start with the build
  8. just a few investments to put into small scenes and take up to the kuhn dealership by me. kuhn : RM 610 RW 1400 GMD 3510 GA 4521 GM also bought myself a new black valtra N142
  9. the remains of the drill would go nicely on the back of the uh lemken rubin disc cultivator. would make a nice setup. just an idea
  10. cheers mate, its a great model if a little on the delicate side
  11. its a stunning plough and unlike the kuhn you can get it into the correct allignment for ploughing and its allot more to scale if im honest where as i thought the kuhn plough looked too big
  12. hi guys, i pre ordered this a few weeks back and she arrived today. its a stunning model, very detailed but very light and delicate here it is next to my 4f kuhn plough conversion. i have already converted it to suite my wiking john deere 7430 premium
  13. i agree with you all there are still factors that could have prevented the accident anyway but they are still trying to find out if the bloke driving the car had any connections with the women crossing the road as belive it or not the man that took my statement said that this sort of incident is quite common where somebody walk over the crossing before they should just so the driver has to slam his brakes on causing the vehicle behind to collide with the back of their car.
  14. they were infront of me and slammed there brakes on. its believed they picked one of the tractors out as they knew they could do some damage. just a shame it was my tractor, but oh well
  15. as im sure many of you know i had an accident in the summer working for JC & MW Suckleys. due to this i lost my job and we had a geat debate on here as to whos fault it was. well today i had to give a statment to a man from the cotswold group who deal with the top 20 insurers dealing with benefit cheats, insurane claims ect... to my great annoyance he told me today that he has enough evidence to believe i was setup by the driver of the other car and it was all done on purpose so they could make a claim. they believe that they chose the tractor as there were 4 of us using the road all day everyday for about 3 days and we were passing through the same area every 20 mins. the police and himself said it could have ahppened to any of us drivers. just thought id let you know before people start looking down on me and thinking the worst of me.
  16. finaly a county from uh, calnt wait for this one. just hope they release an 1184 at some point. the big county fans will feel like theyve gone to heaven
  17. so many nice models but im going to have to be very picky as to what im going to buy due to simply not having enough money to buy all the models id like to.
  18. cheers tris, i love the older machines, just the feeling you get when your opperating them, me and another lad working there are trying to get old equipment back up an running to go behind the older tractors. weve found and old drum mower, 2f plough, 4 rotor tedder. and as for the photos, ive entered some of my best into the farmers weekly 2011 competition and im sending some into the power on the land copmetition in classic tractor
  19. the first photo shows a Case IH puma cvx 230 we had on demo. it has the ad-blue tank and was superb on the fuel saving front compared to the 225 i think the boss is keen on purchasing one soon. also the other photos show all 4 john deere 7530's, a case puma 225, and a claas arion 640
  20. one of the 7530's and a massey ferguson 565 2wd with trima loader at a farm where we store some straw, small hay bales and we also have 47 heffiers and a view from one of the fields showing welshpool in the distance
  21. well ive been at thomas's for a while now and im enjoying it, it does have its down sides and i feel not everybody is pulling there weight but other than that its going well
  22. well here we go, ive just started model building again and have started using plastruct and so i am ready to give another shed a go and i will be doing it in my spare time so its up to you guys to say what you think i should do. the first 3 shed are very big and the final 2 shed are considerably smaller
  23. and my carting tractor and trailer setup
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