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Everything posted by jdc

  1. Thanks a lot........I knew I should've nicked more of that pipe..........
  2. 16.9 34s Not high horse (although it's supposed to be 85, puts out 100 at PTO - not tweaked) but the most useful tractor on the place. When I bought it we had a 3085 as the 'big' tractor so things have moved a lot HP wise
  3. Aluminium vent pipe, lined with poly pipe as stiffening. I'l just do 'an Ebay' and send a photo! Do you guys live here? ;D
  4. Made this as a Chrissy Pressy for my neighbour's wee boy who is a farm/tractor nut, but doesn't have grain storage! Just thought I'd post these before I wrap it up
  5. Got Kleber 20.8/480 s on Renault and they seem v good so far - have full 21" width tread as mentioned above. Good Year 580/480s on Ford 8360 are OK but I'm sure the bloomin things aren't circular and give a wobble on the road! Having said that Good Years on MF 3065 are original after 17 years and 6500hrs!
  6. Had demos of a couple of Valtras recently and only criticism would be they are comparatively noisy - did like elec. timed spools though
  7. I've still got an 8360 and I think the cab is one of the best, but... the Renault RZ cab is the smoothest tractor I have ever driven. Couple that with front suspension and it's better than my car (car is a bit ropey )
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