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Everything posted by Udimore

  1. Great pics Joe In your opinion what has been the best McCormick model to date in 1:32 ?
  2. For someone so ugly you don't half have a great eye for beautiful things Great work buddy
  3. Holly smoke I have just wet myself Simply stunning and they dont get any better than that Ian awesome work well done
  4. You are a clever considering how dodgy you act and look. Its come a long way and plenty of changes of the years mate. Just had a scroll back through how I remember Ash Tree or was it named something else back in 05 ? Have to say your skills have improved too Enough of that you are still a .......
  5. Not a great photo sorry but yes it's a SCALEdown
  6. Oh now this beauty stares at me every day Sir John added extra rear duals to this cracking major dribble dribblee
  7. Dunno what you mean..I wipe it on the curtain afterwards so noone needs to know
  8. Mine is already in the loft..such a waste but yes Seany thought the same as you hardly any difference but I love them all the same even if it is hidden away..for now
  9. You are a clever chap really Smashing work as always old bean And great to see your old projects still featuring here and there
  10. Here's a couple of duplicates that I will sell on I think Love this 1958 Nuffield T085 Universal Four
  11. These ones weren't built by sir John. Stumbled over another collection of 17 scale downs ❤️
  12. Haha you make me laugh. Bought them built up mate and yes you should as will be easy for a man with your skills
  13. Blue blue blue ❤️ T060 1964 Roadless Super Major New Performance
  14. Here you go Essex Boy So underrated the finished models Here is T045 1948 E27 County Crawler
  15. 130 ish models maybe more last time I checked I aim to please Marky x
  16. I know I know poor show on my part They are all sadly tucked away in boxes somewhere 23 from memory . Most kindly built by Sir John Cranston, with a few from the late Dennis Goodburn and a couple that Dave Purdue put together
  17. Yikes how long has it been ? 10 years ? Still building ? As between you and Graham you kicked the whole thing to a new level
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