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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Gav836

    CB Help

    I know the Cobra one that you mean Simon, its yet another rig that is confined to the history books. I still have one of the old retro styled Cobra's in my Discovery, yet again they are no longer available and command good prices second hand. For added fun though some have a PA speaker facility on them...good for making people jump :D
  2. I'll have to try and find you, was planning a visit to annoy Mr Stokes anyway I'll be there from just after 8am mate
  3. I've just updated several pages of the website along with adding one or two new pages as well, thought it was long overdue a bit of an overhaul :D
  4. They are about 1-1.5mm bigger in diameter and almost identical in width
  5. The Quadrant wheels are about twice the size, the nearest that I have at present are the ones off the Liner. Funnily enough I was looking at my Variant yesterday thinking about whether or not to cast the wheels on it
  6. Gav836

    Mowing the dikes!

    To give you an idea about the steepness of the slope Sun Some videos 6600 2650 The Volvo raking
  7. Gav836

    Mowing the dikes!

    DONE! Let's go The Volvo again, now raking the dike.
  8. Gav836

    Mowing the dikes!

    The 6600 with my boss driving.
  9. Gav836

    Mowing the dikes!

    The sea isn't far away Windmill
  10. Gav836

    Mowing the dikes!

    Some nice pictures there Ziko. Must be a funny angle to bale at or is the grass all raked down to the bottom? I have some funny images running through my head now thanks to you saying that, my mind hadn't even gone there till I read that :D
  11. Not too much of an idea there, I know there are usual several people about and lots of classes but as cattle don't appeal to me too much I don't tend to spend too much time down there \
  12. Anyone else making there way to the show tomorrow then?
  13. Gav836

    CB Help

    Get yourself a good, well built set like a Midland, Danita or Maycom, personally I have a couple of Midlands and a Cobra (discontinued) but my favourite set is the Maycom EM27 that I have, its a digital type rig and has now done over 6 years service in various tractors. I'll give you some more info on msn later
  14. Welcome Gillian.....guess this means that hubby to be will have to behave himself on here now :D You only need to worry when your counter thingy gets up to where mine is at nearly 190 days on here
  15. No Numpties have been or will be posted for any comments made on Paul's model as only those that know anything about these models would know what has or hasn't been done to the low-loader. We decided as a team that if we start posting Numpties for people trying to make positive comments on members models then it will discourage them from doing so in the future which is the last thing that we want to happen
  16. Looks like its had a box built on the front of it myself, maybe its you who should have the numpty.............
  17. 3 beet harvesters and 2 pasture toppers all ready for delivery as soon as payment arrives, not bad for a days work
  18. Enough on the Police bashing please guys, they have a difficult enough job to do whilst at work without coming on here and getting abused by us lot as well
  19. My old pair are full of holes so I needed new ones anyway....its about time they made farm overalls spark resistant :D
  20. You're in the same boat as me then, I can use all apart from industrial counter-balance machines the same as yourself, was a pain in the backside on the oil delivering job as I couldn't load myself, ridiculous really but thats what HSE dictates
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