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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Yesterday was lovely and sunny (I look like a lobster from wandering round cereals all day) but its wet again this morning....glad I done Cereals yesterday
  2. I start on the 30th of June Fleet consists of a 6920s, 6420, and a 6800 along with a JCB 526 and JD combine (not seen too close up yet), its only a small farm with 85 sucklers so not masses of tractors
  3. It's about 18 miles from home but if things work out there will be a house coming up at some point in the future
  4. Cheers gents.......and Simon It's agricultural machinery operator on a 350ha family run farm, JD6920s with main jobs to be ploughing, subsoiling, ridging, baling and potato harvesting along with all workshop duties, maybe some cattle work too
  5. The top edge of the wall is fine Jez, as has the whole thing, the grey one is your original that you sent me, I haven't played about with pigments on these ones yet
  6. 6mm thick as I said above mate and they are bricked on both sides. I'll let Jez explain the rest as he made the pattern
  7. Close up showing brick detailing
  8. Mold went off quicker than I thought it would so here are the wall sections in question, each measuring 130mm x 75mm x 6mm
  9. Your jokes aren't funny though Tris so it shouldn't be such a problem :D
  10. Don't give up the day job Simon :D Give.......a........present.....erm can you explain what that is please, unsure on the meaning of give :D
  11. Your legs may be longer but I'd like to see you sprint in your current condition :D
  12. Jez is the creator of the walling in question Tris, I'm only molding and casting them will be at last 12-18 hours before anything is cast though as they sent me the wrong silicone catalyst this time, slow instead of fast
  13. The other walling you know of will be molded today
  14. Thats good news then Mandy, I reckon it was the thought of Marky kissing her that done that you know :D
  15. I shall be there on the Wednesday annoying James as he gets his award :D
  16. I can cope with a 6920s, not that bad for a JQ really, JD 590 round baler as well so I'll be happy, leave the letter for now Marky, the job isn't 100% mine yet \
  17. He does indeed, the ones with the Galloping Goat as a logo :D
  18. Remember going past that place when delivering oil Sean, couldn't remember its location now till you just said, big site that they have there
  19. Hospital shocked me, been about 2 years since it was this quick, I was the first appointment though at 9am, already been there since 8.30 due to tests, normally a 4 hr wait for the Consultant though....he didn't arrive till 10am :D Did I mention its a farm full of Galloping Goat machinery :D
  20. Where to start.....well only being at the hospital for 90mins, a record for my consultant , a free ride to Cereals on Wednesday, saves my diesel and now the Farm Manager from the place I went for an interview at last week has just rung and asked me to go and see him tomorrow night for another chat, appears the job is just about mine so fingers crossed
  21. Looks a promising start James, cropping sounds familiar to somewhere but I can't quite put my finger on it at the minute
  22. Thats really not on, people like that don't deserve to be allowed anywhere near animals let alone run a business involving them. I hope you get somewhere tomorrow as they need to pay (not just money wise) for what they've done and for their attitude which stinks >
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