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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Actually we were rained off here this afternoon \
  2. No idea on that one Simon as it isn't very often we're together like that to see whats going on
  3. Only thing I'm not keeping up with is sleep Tris :D It is busy, shame it was so manic Monday as 9 of the 10 tractors were all in one field, was quite a sight, no time to take pictures though due to 2 de-stoners pushing me In the field were: 7710 and trailer/s CVX with front cultivator and rear bed-former MXM and rotor-ridger MTX 150 DE and de-stoner JD 6810 and de-stoner Ares 816 and de-stoner Ares ATZ and de-stoner JD 6820 and planter MTX and planter
  4. Especially for Mart, here's a few of the old 7710 on a Stewart trailer full of seed, it also powers the hydraulic elevator at the back of the trailer which fills the planters, much quicker than using boxes or bags of seed, she just sits there on tick over all day waiting to be usefull
  5. Strawsons also grow Carrots and Parsnips so it could well be that its used for them and not the spuds Totally different construction as it has the hopper and half the line on one section and a second section with the other half on
  6. It's a form of chemical seed treatment, I'm sure ctsboy can fill you in with more information on it, all of our seed is untreated so can't help you anymore than that
  7. Making the most of the weather Mart That certainly is an NM grader, will check the model number tomorrow for you. The other one they have is a Downs one
  8. MXM doesn't get stuck as easily as the CVX, minute the CVX hits wet stuff in the beds you can call for a chain, especially when you drop through quick sand into the water table Standen's change of livery came about after they became Standen Pearson to make them stand out more
  9. Hells bells, I think he wants a cultivator left at the end of it, 9 or 10 Kph maybe Keep the top link level, personally I'd give it one deep pass at around 5-6 inches then give it a few days to dry out before giving it a second one at a slightly shallower depth so you don't pull anymore wet snot up
  10. This is one of the two graders sitting in the yard back at base, all self contained with its own generator beneath the hopper, big piece of kit
  11. JD 6820 and Standen planter
  12. A few from today, the MXM suffered from a failure of the PTO speed sensor yesterday meaning it was out of action for rotor ridging.....too bad as it meant I had the CVX195 instead MTX and Standen planter
  13. Just done a 5am till 5pm shift on the rotor ridger, extremely slow going now on some really heavy ground, down to 0.6-1.8kph
  14. Something that I was going to mention as well having seen new born lambs become victims of these evil birds as well, lead poisoning is too humane for them at times
  15. More rotor ridging today on some exceptionally cloddy land. Early start tomorrow morning on the same job so I can keep ahead of the de-stoners
  16. Still gives me a couple of months between spud planting and harvest to get those plans sorted :D
  17. I did say in some cases not all as a mate of mine had 2 turbo'd 7810's, both started suffering engine problems due to it at relatively low hours
  18. I hate to tell you this but a turbo doesn't come cheap and can sometimes cause premature engine failure. Given the condition of your 4610 I would leave her how she is, there are very few about in that condition now, she needs preserving
  19. I did enquire today about the length of time they need me for and it looks to be on and off for several weeks until they finish planting so that sorts things out work wise for a little while
  20. Yeah 50k with front and cab suspension along with air brakes......needed them a few times today, cars overtaking in the face of oncoming traffic, had two near misses, one with being overtaken on a junction just as a car pulled out and another of shear stupidity causing me to literally stand on the brakes to allow a car back in that had overtaken me when cars were coming the other way and near a notorious accident blackspot
  21. Just a couple of pictures from today, I've spent today taking seed out to the planters which is nearly a 2hr round trip with the MXM175 and Stewart trailers in the picture, we have 3 Stewart and one AS on the seed job at present. I also had to fill up the bowser and take back out, best not put pictures up of that, handcuffs don't suit me :D
  22. I have seen it done and infact shot crows for this purpose. It is a well known fact that a dead crow strung up or mounted as in the picture is the best way to keep its still living friends away from clamps and crops. Its an old fashioned method but it works very well, and the crows are dead before the stringing/nailing up takes place
  23. I think you will find that the straight through pipe tractors have been blown (had a turbo fitted), that was the usual reason for a straight pipe on the 10 series tractors, 7810's inparticular I have seen and heard one on a standard 6610 and to say it was incredibly noisy would be an understatement \
  24. Glad that you find it so amusing, lets see what you think when we take further action!!!
  25. They often do pick to sell around here but the supermarkets, florists and the like only want them when the buds are tightly closed, the minute that they start to open thats the end of the flower harvest season. Often though in Lincs I think you will find that they are grown for bulb cultivation and not for the flowers, the same happens around here, there's more money in bulbs. I did see a field of about 40 acres with tulips in last friday but they were not flowering, a lot of monies worth in the ground there
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