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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. The weight of the money in his pockets causes that as well, once he gets it its a prisoner :D
  2. And this is what pulls it, CAT MT765, sorry about the pics but it was on the opposite side of the field to the track I was on so it was a full zoom job Pulling a Cousins V-Form there busting up ex beet fields ready for bed forming
  3. Here's a few from yesterday. This is the main bedformer they use, a big 3 bed Grimme
  4. What a sad state of affairs it is on here when members complain when we try to organise fun competitions for them to show off models in their collection and their layouts if they have one. I can't see what the problem is, drilling is still going on up until mid may with maize, spring osr, hemp and other crops and it will make a change to run a seeding one in the spring instead of the autumn allowing potato kit to be shown off as well. At the end of the day no one is forcing anyone to enter it so if it isn't for you then wait until one that is to your liking comes along instead of trying spoil it for those that do want to enter by making negative remarks :
  5. Take a look through this board and you should find what you are looking for Adam
  6. I've driven a few as you'll see, one of the perks of being the combine driver was getting to play with demonstrators MF 865 18' Powerflow Claas Maxi 118SL 20' burnt out 2 years ago, shame as a good machine New Holland CX880 30' brand new on demo, ran rings around our 460 New Holland CR980 30' Brand new on demo Case AFX8010 30' what a heap of sh!t Claas Lexion 480 30' Claas Lexion 580 Terra Trac 30' Vario brand new on demo Claas Lexion 570 30' Vario brand new on demo Claas Lexion 460 25' covered 1300hrs with it in the 5 years it was mine
  7. I am indeed Tris, I've only had 16hrs on it so far, thats not long enough for me to damage something....give me a chance :D Today as we had rain yesterday we have just moved kit, my tiller is at Kings Lynn now, the tractor is sitting on a 14t Stewart trailer back at the yard which is full of seed spuds, I have already taken one identical trailer full to where the planters are working at Bircham and taken the fuel tank to Kings Lynn. The thunderstorm then hit at 2pm so we came to a halt
  8. There's a few stones in there but not many on that field, mostly to get the clods out due to the fussy supermarkets, not sure if the field is going into potatoes or parsnips at the minute
  9. Cheers Marky. I'm afraid that it is a nice tractor to drive Marky being the top spec one with all round suspension and electric spools, even with no front weights and that rotor-ridger on the back it was a very smooth ride from Norwich to Hilgay....I'm afraid I do like it, there's much worse tractors out there In case anyone is wondering who the firm is I'm on hire to, its Strawsons Limited
  10. Well there's no depth control other than the tractor's draft control so it's a case of continuous twitching.....when the soil is over the PTO shaft, it's too deep :D No idea on total acreage but they are a fairly big concern
  11. I used to drive the combine 99% of the time, the boss only took over if I wanted a break (very rare as he used to fiddle with all my settings ) He was happier on the trailer as it meant if he had to be elsewhere he wasn't so critical to the harvest, we all agreed that WE were better off when he was on there or elsewhere as well :D
  12. It would be boring if it wasn't for the continuous adjustments needed to the depth of the ridger, keeps your mind on the job and not how long you have been doing it
  13. Been back there for another day today, that field is now finished so we are all moving to Kings Lynn tomorrow morning. Luckily we managed to keep plodding on despite the heavy rain, there were only 8 short beds left when it hit so we weren't going to give up Just before and after pics from today, bit rough and cloddy before the rotor-ridger but perfect for the de-stoners afterwards
  14. Top speed listed in the spec sheet is 27mph so without a true ground speed radar it would show 50kph I reckon, especially if she has different boots on to the books rated speeds, amazing what a set of tyres can do to ground speed
  15. Wouldn't know about the MTX as its nothing to do with me
  16. Its a beast with a dodgy head gasket, a compressor leaking oil and dodgy aircon, its only done just under 12000 hours as well :D The arrival of a new CVX160 is imminent I was told today
  17. About 3-5kph Simon, depends how rough the bed is at the time, 1st to 4th gear on the MXM
  18. JD 6810, both have Grimme Combistars
  19. On this field there was a MTX Diamond and a JD 6810 de-stoning, the MTX had that sinking feeling earlier today and needed a push :D
  20. It was then back on the MXM175 with the Grimme Rotor-Ridger, used to smash up the big clods in the beds before the de-stoners get to them
  21. Today I had to take the CVX190 over to where we were working at Hilgay near Downham Market along with the diesel bowser, nice vehicle to drive, also had to bring it back again tonight
  22. Considering that he only owns 600 odd acres himself I'd say it isn't too bad
  23. Cheers guys, just in from another day on the rotor-ridger, I have several more pictures to post after I've eaten something Quadtracs are a yr 2000 model for those that asked
  24. 4 days on and 4 days off seems to be the way it works from what I've been told. Just depends how much rain we get really as the fields are wet enough as it is
  25. I know, working tomorrow and Sunday as well weather permitting. The Ford done about 19mph on the road so not too bad at all
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