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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Gav836


    I know nothing of the seed as all ours is grown for straw/fibre production. Dread to think what it done to the combine as its like rope inside the stems when they crack open
  2. Gav836


    It's not meant to be combined, it would be like trying to put willow through one, we use an old mower with the canopy removed to cut it, nothing for it to hang onto then. Someone told me that the police are notified of where it is grown about here to save any hassles :D
  3. Gav836


    It's the first time I've been involved with it but they've grown it for a few years now, I know my younger boss would be happier without it because it's a complete sod to bale, it wraps around everything and has a healthy appetite for bearings given the chance. It's also difficult to get to feed into the round baler needing the firs few metres of a swath to run on to break the woody stems so I've been told........no doubt I will find out soon enough \ :D
  4. Gav836


    Took some pictures of the flowering hemp plants for you guys today, I know some of you were asking about it earlier in the year. It isn't too far away from being cut now I believe and once you get in from the edges of the crop it is standing at about roof height on the 8770 I'm discing with
  5. I will be taking a load with me but if anyone does want some if they let me know beforehand I can make sure that I have enough to cover everyone
  6. and after all I do to help you :'( :'( :D It is fun, tests the reflexes when the whole lot sinks in a wet hole, got to be quick to get the legs out of work or its chain time
  7. Gav836


    If you saw one being made on the factory floor and the thickness of steel that David and co. use in them you wouldn't need wonder where the weight came from :D
  8. Yeah, I've got the two stands next to you :D
  9. Well the tractor does have some auto gears but I still gotta be there when I can :D I've done that before, picked something out in a hedge from the opposite end of the field only for it to move, a footpath walker the other side of the hedge was a good one :
  10. That depends on if the tramlines are straight and I wouldn't cheat like that :D
  11. Still busy with the Solo, had to move to lighter land though as the fields I was doing are far to wet after the rain on Sunday night Is this any better Simon ;D :D
  12. I'm no Massey expert but is the front grill right for that model as I thought the lights were lower down on the 500 series \
  13. Totally different Colm, the MX180 are of the MX Magnum range having powershift gearboxes and a larger 6 pot Cummins lump than the one fitted to the MX170, that being of the MX Maxxum range, the MX150 shares everything with the MX170 as we had ours tweaked to match it where I used to work MX170- http://www.tractordata.com/td/td1134.html MX180- http://www.tractordata.com/td/td1135.html
  14. Probably won't be having a stand there, not 100% sure yet, will be going to it though. Don't think I could make enough models to do both this year unfortunately \
  15. Had a day of casting bits and pieces today and packing up models to send out. Thought I ought to start building a stock up ready for Spalding :D
  16. I think the current requirement is for farmers to have 6 or 8% of there acreage as setaside but Tris is correct, the EU are abolishing COMPULSORY set aside but as far as I know it will still be optional as it can be helpful in a rotation. What has caused this is the Entry/Higher level schemes as the farmers get paid to take anything up to the whole acreage out of production which with some uptake is getting the EU worried so I was told. Certain crops, like OSR for bio fuels can be grown on set aside but a lot of farmers don't bother as there isn't a large enough market for it yet \ On the subject of vegetable production they are also removing the vegetable dispensation system from the single farm payment so more land can be used for the production of these crops (in the Farmers Weekly this week)
  17. Single bales wouldn't be cost effective A mold can take anything from 5 to 48 hours to go off depending on what catalyst is used with the silicone. The resin itself takes 20 minutes to go off maximum
  18. Last attempt, this time with a touch of blue in as Jason suggested..............
  19. I am having trouble as the green pigment if used at the right amount is a sort of JD green so mixed a little of that with some yellow on the last ones hence the brighter appearance, its going to be trial and error but getting a consistancy in the mixex may be a problem with it if I have to mix pigments each time \ The other thing is hay varies in colour, we have some in the shed that is pale, sun bleached green and some off the old water meadows that is a much darker shade of pastel green
  20. Know the one you mean, and it does indeed... What about these ones?
  21. Should have used my method, switch off the engine, grab your drink and lean back with your feet up on the door rail, they soon get the message
  22. I have been playing with green pigment this morning, not sure if these are too pale or not though so need some honest feedback on them, the camera hasn't picked up the green too well though \
  23. Stop it I'm starting to dribble at the thought of that Cummins motor growling :D
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