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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Cheers guys, It's about 105mm wide to the outside edge of the skids Sean. Here's a picture of it with the Renault I done on the Valtra C chassis
  2. Been working on this on and off for the past few days when I've felt like it, its based on the Votex 9' pastyre topper, I've used plastruct strip to try and represent the wooden boards that make up the top of it. Still have a couple of little bits left to do, the main thing being the blades but let me know what you think so far Front/Left side Back/Right side Underside showing rotor trough
  3. I think it must be one if I can smell it with this cold/virus I have at the minute :D
  4. Hmmmmmm given this is in the UH board I know which one I'd go for :D I think thats a bit harsh myself, they look like a pretty good model to me, ok a bit pricey but you pay for what you get
  5. Roof rack creates too much drag anyway :D Better make it tea by the way as if you try pouring coffee into me you will need to provide a sick bag as well \
  6. Ordered direct from Siku, their parts service is a disgrace in the past few months \
  7. The wheels I desperately needed for my root trailers before Spalding coming in 8-10 weeks after the order was placed and too late for the show.......sods law At least they are finally here though on the plus side
  8. Shouldn't you be out car shopping :D :D
  9. Local farmer here uses that method to identify the different types of grass in various bales when they are all stacked together
  10. Its only had one careful owner, never raced, rallied or driven hard.................................... :D :D
  11. As soon as I can get my hands on a couple of scrap 103-54 bonnets I'll do one
  12. Join the club, seems to be a number of us who went to Spalding getting them
  13. Cheers guys, done a bit more now, seat and interior done, mirrors and beacon fitted along with 2 front work lamps
  14. I have driven them before and beileve me the clutch is very light compared to a 110-90 :D At the end of the day 40k is ok for trailer work but hang a hedgecutter on it and it could get shook to pieces at that speed \
  15. Bit stumped now, the one I've found has a 30k box in it, now the condition of it can only be described as factory fresh. Now unsure on this one, if its like other Renaults it will still do nearer 40k on that box (my 836 used to do 27/8mph on a 40k box), wondering if this can be overlooked due to the plus points \ Here's the tractor anyway, any of our Somerset members seen it in their yard? http://www.bigwoodagri.co.uk/view.aspx?id=146
  16. Finally got back to this one today, have now glued all the Renault bodywork in place along with the Valtra seat, pedals, steering wheel and gearsticks, paintwork is a bit dodgy on floorpan at the minute but will get another coat asap. Just needs new decals and some trimmings on the cab now What do you all think to it
  17. Tell them to get knotted and you have better things to do than write an essay on that in your spare time when all they will do is bin it anyway
  18. Nectra 120-54 or 155-54 sound about right? Thanks Graeme. Thats the common opinion I'm getting from talking to people, no trouble if they are maintained correctly and very little in the way electronic gizmo's to get a gremlin in
  19. don't forget not being able to spread artificial in the frost anymore, used to do that a lot on wet fields but can't anymore incase it bounces into a watercourse or hedgerow so deep ruts are par for the course these days
  20. Just spoke to my mate at the local dealers who were Renault before Claas went in, he reckons the 106-54 is bombproof if serviced regularly and that 40k was still an optional extra on these up until the day they were discontinued He says it's ideal for what I want it for and has he used to be a contractor himself as well I'm inclined to go with him on it You hadn't found this one in Ireland yet....... http://www5.tractorpool.co.uk/suche/detail.php?masch_id=669125#
  21. Far too many hours for me and needs 40k box fitted to it
  22. 13000 hours is a few too many as well :o :o Looking at that I'd say she's been on a hedgecutter a lot going by the bonnet and wheel centre on the back
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