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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. I should keep quiet until its done Will, you never know who may pinch your idea
  2. Sorry Graham They are granular pesticides used to control soil borne creatures/organisms that would damage the potatoes in this case, I used to use them on sugar beet, evil stuff \
  3. I'd say going by the looks of the hoppers they are applying something like Vydate or other Temik substitutes \ another couple of nice pictures ggg
  4. Yeah, maybe they will make an apperance in the near future
  5. Unfortunately they refused to sell me any of the little depth wheels off the Lemken Gigant cultivator that I wanted
  6. I've often wondered that as well. Had one a few months back saying he had another couple of them to sell, if they come back more or less as soon as its ended it seems strange to me though as you say \
  7. Did you bring out the Simon M insurance policy at that point :D :D
  8. Looks like they've now added wheels and axles as well since last month, The Trelleborgs work out at ?1.02 a pair, now thats cheap!!
  9. The Siku Claas Ares ATZ would be a good choice as well
  10. I used to do all the top dressing at my last job with my Renault 836 at 195hp and 10 tonnes but due to the weight of a full spreader it needed something big. Most of the time it was the only tractor available as well. There's some pictures on here somewhere i believe
  11. I have 2 Britains ones here in the boxes still, think Fanny should be able to manage them..........just :D :D
  12. Fanny needs a sub soiler hung onto her, get that engine working hard to bed it in, you'd be surprised the difference hard work can make to an engine when its new
  13. I've yet to get wet though :D The broken glass was nothing to do with me though, boss had it earlier in week and the cb aerial bent round on a low branch and hit the back window shatterring it, talk about freak accidents.
  14. Nothing luckily, was on my way to get a load of straw, midi hesstons. Catches hadn't gone back in hook properly due to broken glass getting under the release lever in the cab \
  15. A 40 ft articulated trailer coming off the pick up hitch of the TM175 on the road > >
  16. Looks like you've had a good day with Fanny then One tip, don't use grease on a top link becuse if you don't adjust it a lot, and sometimes if you do the grease hardens and siezes it up again. Myself and my old colleagues always used oil on ours and found it a lot better
  17. Yeah, do everything the way you think is safest and still they find a way to get you \
  18. Probably not on those ones although the two my boss just drilled on a contract farm may do as its heavy slug filled clay soil \
  19. Taking the dual wheels off the TS135A, Put a tine of the JCB inside the rim to take the weight when I released the last clamp, only for the wheel to drop straight out of the tractor rim ( a rare occurance with duals ) slide along the tine a bit and bang me on the head :'(
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