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Posts posted by Gav836

  1. yeah standard bt talk, the vbird wqil lonly look at what the exchange is fitted out to provide, adn most are for 8meg  plus

    what the forget to check ,and inform you is its also dependant on how far you are from the exchange, the more cable the slower the speed you can obtain,also affected by the type of cable to ,and the size/gauge , hence the drops,,the easiets way to describe it is a water pie,it  starts at the works and the further out it goes the lower the pressuer gets, the only advantge thery have is they can build pumping stations to boost it back up, we cant

    Keyboard batteies going again Sean ???::) ::):D :D ;)

    For me Gordon flippin Brown and his budget >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(

    Luckily my Defender doesn't come in the so called 'Gas Guzzling' bracket they talk about but what they forget is some of us rely on 4x4 vehicles for our jobs, how would i get across a field to a boken down machine with a Ford Focus or similar ??? The laughable bit is that its more ecmomical than John '2 Jags' Prescot's Jags ::) ::)

  2. Nice pics TOG :);)

    I guess traction wise given the way that you mount your duals over there its a reasonable deduction. But as most people here only use the clamp on stocks ones i would imagine that they would jst turn within the tractors rims, i have witnessed it a couple of times on some tractors. Its usually only the big artics that have bolt on ones here from my experience and smaller ones with row crops like our 7840. Can't remember seeing any others with bolt on ones :-\

  3. Some KV ploughs of that size have a press mounted on them and the press just rolls with the plough.

    Might not be comman in the UK  :-\

    A few years back Dowdeswell made afront mounted furrow press suspended fro a hydraulic arm by chains that fitted to the front of a tractor. The press could be move to the left or right of the tractor by the arm or it would lock up in the centre of thetractor for transport :);)

  4. Nice pictures Rick :);)

    Blooming flipping heck pops... and all other swear words I know...  :o :o :o :o

    What a post... my fave so far  :-*:-* :-* - Just picked myself up off the floor... now then....

    Point One..

    Oooooo look at the cab on that 255... what the hell is that... looks to be hinkler by design... never seen one of those before...  :o

    Interesting front mounted pump on the 165 as well...  :o

    As for the 240.... Ooooo how I want that tractor... please go and buy it for me right now.. I'll drive it home in January... should be home for Christmas Mrs F...  :D :D

    Looks like I need to mop up this section again, just got it clean after the last lot of pictures, drool gets everywhere ::):D :D :D;)

  5. Some nice photo' again Gav and some good descriptions. I like to hear from the guys who do maize/sugar beet etc as I have never and probably never will have anything to do with the stuff so it's all a learning curve for me. Cheers bud.  :)

    Thanks and no probs Tris. You'll have to come up this way for a while as several contractors are looking for staff once they start harvesting maize/sugar beet :);)

  6. You could try the chap who's details I gave you the other week, he might be able to help you out as I know he has a few engines and some scrappers about the place, if he can't personally he may know a man that can :);)

  7. Looking good Gav......Like the 7840...... :P

    Would do me fine that tractor...... ;) ;) ;)

    Hands off, you can't have it ::):D :D :D

    You wouldn't need an 8340 when both this one and the other one are more powerful ;D:D :D ;)

  8. Looks well, any pics o the other one!! road hog!!!

    I see a beetie mobel in the background!!

    Unfortunately the shed is too dark what that one is in, i will get one. The other one is the one thats pushing out 150hp ish at the PTO :o

    ah saw the colour and assumed it was a jd one fitted mate

    The only JD thing on the farm is the round baler luckily, they have better taste than that ::):D :D ;)

  9. nice pics gav, has that nh got a old jd front hitch fitted ??

    Thanks Sean. Its a Garford front hitch as that tractor does the beet harvesting with a front mounted 6 row topper and rear trailed elevator lifter :);)

  10. Heres a few pictures from today, I've been getting the beet drill ready by changing 96 small brass bushes on it. The bushes hold the seeder units tight and keep the row widths at 20 inches, however as they were worn it was allowing them to move between 18 and 22 inches. The pictures aren't as clear as usual as they were taken on my phone ;)

    First new bush next to old one and the 7840 which it's used on :)



  11. Great pictures mate and being able to pull a solo 300 with a 175 that must have been some mighty kind soil :o :o  our partners 930 whinges alot on theres :D :D

    We had a proper tractor on it and it wasn't working overly deep ;)

    Nice pictures Gav.

    How much beet will be grown this year?

    Is your new farm one of them place I've read about in the UK that in the past have centered there farm around growing beet?

    We're growing about 100 acres, don't know too much about the history of the farm as yet :)

  12. strange that Gav, looks dry-ish there???

    get the pic though ;)

    Nice pics Chris ;D ;D ;D

    I know, we had a lot of wet weather last night and during the day today with wintery stuff. Even had to check with Chris on msn as i couldn't believe the difference in a few miles :o

  13. Nice pics Chris, can't even get on the fields over the border here, its far too wet :o

    Some great pics there, doesn't the 7840 look a beast on those wide tyres, nice.

    Reminds me, must get a picture of our 7840 on Terra's, comes under the heading of road hog ::):D;)

  14. read the next bit  ::)

    surely it is

    Definately not a Numpty but if you persist I'll give you one instead as he says he has never been a big fan of New Holland but has made an exception for this, so if you read it properley its fine. Of course if you think it deserves a numpty it means you haven't read it properley so deserve one yourself ::) ::)::);D:D :D

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