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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Thought so, strangely enough thats where my bundle of misery came from as well :
  2. Would that be a certain guy at Peterborough Marky that we've discussed before
  3. If you think of it like an 8 wheeler lorry, both the front axles steer on one of them to help it manouvre so this is basically the same, if you left the 8 wheeler with the wheels turned it would look like crab steer on the front. You do have to stand next to these machines to see how long they are really. I know there will be some working not far from Matty soon as i was carting muck there the other day and saw a big field of carrots with straw stacked up waiting
  4. Oh boy, look at that! I can see a convo in that straight away I'm drooling again now :D :D
  5. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm drill, drooling here. Very nice, definately be at least one coming here
  6. I've seen a few working in the A17 area but i don't get that way very often, i think i've seen one near the Thorney bypass roundabout on the A47 as well, maybe something someone in that area could checkout Up till last year there was someone locally running one with a db skid unit but its gone now
  7. don't know if this one is of any help to you Sean? http://www.farmingmachines.co.uk/machinery/M00754
  8. Take a look on here, hopefully should be of some help to you http://www.kverneland.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prteventname/HtmlbEvent/prtroot/com.sap.km.cm.docs/kv_image/products/acc/pdf/03_11_06%20pneumatik%20gb.pdf
  9. Thanks Ben, that was my opinion as well, i never bought the old green britains one as quite frankly i thought it was crap. This is long overdue though by someone, you never know UH may produce one in the future
  10. I thought that they were that colour, lucky as i have some KV decals too, would never surprise me if Prosol made the KV ones or vice versa in reality
  11. Absolutely right Mike, used for seeding grass and other small seeds such as stubble turnips where the seed basically has to be on the surface
  12. From memory there doesn't look to be alot of difference between the Prosol colour scheme and that of the Kverneland power harrows, could be wrong though as its been quite a while since i last saw one
  13. That was just there to support it while the glue was setting, there is a stand but the plastic was better for pushing down on
  14. I'm working on something along those lines at the minute, just a case of getting everything to fit right
  15. I thought that someone would guess what ihad planned, trouble is this is the one from my collection i cut up \ Its actually quite difficult as the whole chassis and frame has to be cut off the drill to fit it. Nothing is in the right place as the pipes aren't long enough to leave the frame intact unfortunately. In the process of making the frame and markers at the minute
  16. Thanks guys. I'll only post pics of the finished machine if you promise not to sing (i say sing in the broadest sense of the word) again Tris : :D
  17. Thanks Martin, and in a word-no :D Thanks Ben. Did try to post that at the same time but it disappeared into the abyss by the looks of it, sorted now though Thanks Tris, funnily enough i have 5 of them sitting here all in progress
  18. Tried posting these earlier but vanished again, so here we go. This is still work in progress but i'm fitting these two together as its something which has been needed for a long time. I have yet to fit the hopper properly and make up some markers for it but let me know what you all think so far
  19. Been working on this today on and off, not quite finished yet but getting there. Thought i'd try fitting one of my seeders to the harrow, quite pleased with it so far, let me know what you think
  20. did they get the point : :
  21. No, 3 out of the 4 of us where i used to work had it on the windows, we also had some on the middle of the bonnet for centre line marking on the Fiat F140 when drilling, just saves time
  22. Or you can do it using our method for spraying beans for the first time. We tied chains onto the end of the booms so they drag along the ground, if you get it right when you turn on the end they stay in the same place so you know your distance is right then you just pick up a line in the work. We also used sticky tape on the windows, one bit as a mark for 12m and one for 24m, you just line this up with you previous set of wheel marks, works every time
  23. There's a saying about here about drilling wheat - 'Into slop, sure of a crop'. Wheat isn't as fussy as barley and will, most of the time, germinate in very wet ground.We actually had a 4 ton an acre crop off a field we drilled when it was wet and snotty under foot
  24. It too could be a Rabe, they aren't very common but a solid mouldboard option is available as there are one or two here like it. The leg profile does look like Rabe design but i could be wrong \
  25. Got it in one Chris, thought that you would recognise it when you saw it
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