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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. You don't want much do ya :D This is one of the two that i have obtained permission off, the other one will be revealed in good time Wonder if we could design a gale proof marquee :
  2. That one is a definate on the to do list now. Is your harrow a parallel folding (stacking) one or vertically folding out of interest? They were saying that that model is their best seller so are very keen for a model so watch this space
  3. I will certainly look at the possibility of making a Vari-Disc. The Opico guys themselves have asked me to build a model of their sub soiler, would this be of any interest to you boys as well?
  4. Come on then, do tell, don't keep us all guessing :D :D
  5. Sounds good to me, any details on a release date for it yet
  6. After attending the LAMMA show today and speaking to the nice chaps at Opico on their stand i now have permission to make any of their machines with a view to them listing the models in their price booklets. Was wondering if you lot out here think, would you be interested in buying models of their machines. Take a look on their website below and post suggestions of what machines of their range would be of interest to you in 1/32, quite a step for me this early on so i need some thoughts and feed back on it http://www.opico.co.uk/
  7. Site updated- i have uploaded some new pictures of the beet harvester tonight and pictures of the Lemken Gigant seeder conversion are all on there as well now
  8. Looking good Matty, the turbines are good fun i can assure you :D
  9. Some nice pics there Tris, What did you think of driving the Farm Master? We have a 416s at work and its a great machine to use
  10. I hope all goes well too Marky, i just hope you don't need the Dr to remove what you just told me about in the PM :o :D
  11. I hate to say it but i'm a fan of the JD7810 as well, i used to love driving it and listening to its exhuast note, whereas the 6900 we had there was a gutless heap of $hit that suffered from head failure at an early age. Closely behind the 7810 would be a Renault 836, spent nearly 4 years on one of them and nothing pulls like them
  12. Thanks Nath, these machines are designed for broadcasting small seeds but i could probably make a drill up suitable for beans if i set my mind to it
  13. Seems to look that way at the minute, luckily for some reason mine won't upgrade too it
  14. Yeah that is on the cards Luke, trouble is the real Opico harrows fold up differently to the Joskin ones
  15. Thats what i like to hear :D Just been in and adjusted it, see if thats any better now, looks ok to me now
  16. Thanks Ben, just had a re-shuffle of pictures on there. Planning on placing a few orders are you : :D
  17. couple more, still all folds up as it was intended too
  18. Funny you should say that, it is on the hit list of cultivators, nothing is safe :D
  19. Thanks Barry It takes about 30 mins to cast the hopper then to fit the whole lot upp and paint it probably 4-5 hrs, these ones are simple compared to the Simba's as there are less hydraulic hoses to fit and the whole model doesn't need a respray
  20. Thanks Ben. Thats the result of me not being able to get on yesterday, still won't let me into a couple of topics either!!
  21. yeah, where the fun be if it went smoothly every time though :D
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