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Posts posted by Gav836

  1. Oh no - full time or just till the weather picks up again

    Sorry for your toubles mate  :(

    Permanent as of end of August, packing up contracting due to lack of funds, surplus machinery being sold and one of our contract farms is taking on all of the existing contracts hence the new kit. Only 3 blokes are needed and i'm the youngest and will be the one who finds it easier to get another job its me whos gone :(

    Sorry to hear that.  :( :( :'(

    What you gonna do then ???

    I don't know yet, going to make a few phonecalls about going back self employed for various people, i needed this like a hole in the head at the minute :( :'(

  2. Reminds me of my neighbour sidefilling on Saturday - the string of expletives from the combine driver could not be repeated anywhere ang he must have worn out the horn with all the beeping  :D :D ;)

    If i use expletives near this guy he just sulks and doesn't speak or gets upset as he doesn't like swearing. Ignored the boss the other week when he called him a womans genitalia on his voicemail, i mean all he'd done was set the cultivator on fire putting in a fire break by getting to close to the flames ::):D :D :D :D

  3. I do too! But at 40k on a farm track.......... :D

    :o :o Hells bells!!! You let him keep the job after that happened? He would have been sacked on the spot if he'd worked for us

  4. My grain carting 'muppet' is doing OK this year (so far)..........last year he rolled a full trailer into a 8ft deep ditch - lucky the tractor stayed upright. He was texting  >:(

    Now i have to admit to texting while driving the combine but i've always got one eye on whats going on, and can usually text without looking at the keys believe it or not ;D

  5. yeah, all fields near me are now brown from ploughing etc :D :D :D

    I'll see what i can do, are weekends ok? ???

    Yeah, we're doing 7 day weeks at the moment (weather permitting) so as long as its dry we should be going somewhere in our 30 mile operating area. PM for more info or nearer the time  ;):)

  6. What me  :D :D :D

    I set-up a bebo account really to keep in contact with alot of people up here really easier then msn etc but i dont do any of crappy blogs whats the point no one cares

    I set up a Bebo account so i could annoy you on there as well as on here ;D::):D :D

  7. you get paid for your rain days off you lucky git  :D :D :D :D

    No i don't, but weekends are all overtime anyway so if i don't work on a saturday or sunday they don't count as losing a day. If its wet during the week i'm still at work doing other jobs ;)

  8. But how many days pay you lost because you've had days off gavin ::) ::):D

    Your averaging the same output a day we are with the 570 :-\ :D

    Haven't lost any pay actually, so haven't got a clue what you're talking about Phill :-\

  9. It is starting to sound that we are living identical lives at the moment! ;D

    I know, maybe there's a bug which effects trailer drivers during harvest, which ever way if i can find another job at the minute i'd take it! I have had enough of the pair of them, other muppet inparticular!

  10. And i thought i was the only one with a muppet (the boss ;D) on a trailer who does silly things! They want to take a full trailer so i try to load it for them by slowing down and speeding up as required to get a good load, however 2 of them, boss + other muppet deside they ought to slowdown and speed up with me then wonder why i growl at them on the cb when there's grain pouring over the side and back of a trailer. Tell 'other muppet' to go forward and he goes backwards, swear he just does it as he's an ar$ehole >:(

  11. I want to bale behind you ;D ;D :D;) Was behind a numpty in an Axial Flow the other day who kept blocking up, just like my baler ::) ::)::) ::)

    Problem is this year everytime i've suggested chopping the inner round the farm owner has said no and then that they want all the straw that they can get. Cutting the scoots with a 25' combine is no joy when i keep having to wind a swath through it every time i lift up >:(Although thinking about the order did come from a woman ::):D :D ;)

  12. Bloody combine drivers, you've got a one track mind. You stop and leave great mountains of straw when you block it up, dump straw in great tramlines and merge your last headland swath with the swaths from the middle strips (my baler really hates that :'() :D :D ;D;) ;) ;)

    Rant over, oh and nice pics CTS ;) ;) ;):D :D

    I'm a considerate combine driver like that, i back up when i have to stop so it spreads the straw back out along the swath, and if and when the boss allows will chop the inside headland round to make both my life easier and the baler guys easier ;D:);)

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