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Posts posted by Gav836

  1. Yeah swath every thing ;) The baler men don't like like the second time round following a 30ft combine on 24m tramlines as the swath falls down the tramline and with the depth of some of ours they get a bit hacked off! ;D;)

    Strange that the the baler boys behind me get hacked off with deep tramlines as well, even asked me if i could cut narrower widths to accomodate them. The 2 word answer i gave them isn't printable here but the boss did tell them the same thing ;D:D :D ;)

  2. You got a long month yet you 2 dont you :D :D :D (i can rub it in) what daily out putt are you getting out of the STS cts boy ???

    You can rub it in all you like, but we'll still have a full time job at the end of this week  ;D::) ::):D :D :)

  3. Not going too bad, only one minor breakdown so far, not bad for a 9 year old combine with 2100hrs on it! Winter barley is all done (500acres), OSr all don (65 acres) and spring barley is 3/4s done with only 150 out of 600 acres left now. Should be on wheat within 2 days when we get going again with about 700 acres of that to do and 200 of beans spread over 30 miles. Hopefully the bosses father should be with us soon with his Lexion 460 as well so we will soon pull a hole in it. This amount of work really does push our 460  over her limit and Claas have told us they don't know of another one doing so many acres! Best bit-no more fires either-YET!

    I did wonder if the smashed up straw could have been prevented but i think its only going for burning and carrots so probably doesn't matter too much.

  4. Nice pictures James, how's harvest progressing with you? We've been stood down for the weekend as it pi$$ed it down friday afternoon, night, saturday all day, saturday night and on and off today! How do you find the quality of the straw behind the STS as our neighbour has one and the straw looked like it had been pre chopped in the swath?

  5. I'd have to say Fiat here after having the pleasure of driving a 110-90 for a couple of years, really simple mechanics, few electronics to go wrong on them and bomb proof Iveco engine. If you want to put a loader on it get one with PAVT rear wheels, it will sacrifice road speed down to about 34kph though compared to 40kph on the pressed steel variant. Would probably be able to get a newer Fiat for the same money as older MF, NH or JD. Spares seem to be fairly cheap as well on them, even a 110-90 is a compact tractor for its size, we had it drawing 14 tons of grain up hills no problem, lots of grunt and torque in that engine :);)

  6. I know of alot of 20 sereis that screwed up long before warranty was up even when they were a week old and still in dealer care for them to do that is just a bad product i dont care what people say the 20 series was a massive let down

    :o :o Make a note Phill, this doesn't happen often but me and you actually agree on something! Too many of the 6020 and 7020 series have had backend and fuel system problems to be called reliable

  7. I'll laugh if I go over there tomorrow and he asks what i'm doing with these photos...might have to send him here....or maybe not if I don't want a free hedge trim

    or to become part of his next bale stack :D :D :D :D :D

    what sort of a muppet can't stack bales properly though ::):D :D

  8. he might be having a run of good luck eh??

    na its clamity joe we are talking about here aint it  :D :D :D

    big problem being as he hasn't been here for so long, if and when he returns we'd better get that interpreter standing by for the resulting posts ::):D :D ;)

  9. prob just busy i guess,he was flat out last time we herd from him, with collage and the farm, be doing the same as you at min i guess gav,flat out in the cab

    yeah i should think so, but none of the local dealers have been out threre lately either so who knows

  10. Hi

    I doubt there are any old Moreau's still going, I certainly haven't seen one for a long time - I don't see much beet harvesting, though admittedly I don't really look; in the past it always coincided with hedge trimming which isn't very good for bike tyres.  I have seen a Matrot near Ellesmere in the recent past, I imagine belonging to a contractor.

    Does anyone know the UK importers of Moreau, Matrot, Holmer and Verveat?  Might write off and see if I can get some further info.



    Vervaet is J. Riley near norwich

    Holmer is Standen Reflex

    Matrot was Matrot UK near Bury st Edmounds don't know if it still is, don't know about Moreau

  11. not sure, thought you may have heard more as your nearer to him than we like to be :-\ :-\ :-\

    Been no big fires in north norfolk or accidents reported so its all quiet, un-nerving really :D :D :D::)

  12. Thanks Ben......Yeah this is the earliest I have ever known this farmer to plant a crop...... :o

    I'm wondering if it will perhaps be kale for sheep feed over the Winter...... ;) ;)

    We're about to start drilling stubble turnips for over winter sheep feed, give it a few more days and its the right sort of time to be drilling oilseed rape for an early crop next year :);)

    Nice pictures as per usual Martin :)

  13. Hi All,

    Would anyone have any photos of Moreau SP Beet Harvesters they could post, especially the older AT64 model?  I've found a few here and there but not many and I just thought I'd ask if anyone on here might have any.  I doubt there are that many still working these days, the one time I saw one working it was as and when it came out of the fog that hung around the place morning, noon and night!



    I only know of one locally here of the top of my head, most have all been replaced by Verveats now it seems. If you remind us all in another 7 weeks or so the machines should have started rolling again for picture taking :);)

  14. Near the back, big fat thing with 4 or 5 stages yeah?

    thats the kiddie, not seen one tipped up to full height with me driving the combine 100% of the time so don't know how many stages it has :-\

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