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Posts posted by Gav836

  1. only old in experaince mate not real age, same as me in my job  :D :D :D one of the youngest ther ,but loads of courses ect under me bely,never turned down one course,even if it wasn't for the job i was doi ng

    I'll let you off then  :D :D I'm the youngest one and i'll never turn down a course if its offered to me, will even pay for them myself if it means i stand a better chance if i change my job :)

  2. The fact it's gonna be hot again this week in the region of 35+, i'm gonna melt inside the barn, i'm gonna try and scrounge some tractor work

    I did warn you it would be a hot job, you're at the bottom of the ladder but i think you'll find that your boss will be very fair about it. He'll probably let you have some breaks with the heat or you'll be ill with heat stroke and no employer wants a man off during harvest

  3. What sort of output will a front PTO give out, would it be similar to a rear PTO or less??

    Would be similar to the rear PTO HP wise and often still has the option of either 540rpm or 1000rpm drive speeds

  4. Sunday day off for me. ;D

    6am- wake the rest of the house up with ACDC back in black because I could'nt sleep so why should the others.(my name is dirt now)

    7.30am 12pm- on the net reading e-mails,buying fergies and getting hasseled by MF fan.

    12pm till 3pm -out side working in my veg garden and trying to find out why the F!@K my ute is still useing water and changeing a few tyre's around,also found a new oil leak so realy happy about that.

    3pm-3.30pm-paying bills/on line banking and having one last look at ftf for the day before going off to work on models I'm making.Then I'll start cooking my dinner.Wasgoing to go out but don't feel like it now and going out on monday night any way so best save my money.

    Any one asleep?.

    You weren't alone there, he's good at that ;D::) ::);)

  5. yeah good point they did slip with the after care ,but not as bad as they used to be

    one thing i have noticed so far is there seems to be a draw towards the older jd models on here so far, even with some of the younger members? wonder why that is

    I just love the engine note of the old 6 cylinder engine fitted in the 30/33/3650 models, such user friendly tractors as well. Spent many a happy hour hedgecutting with a 2850 and enjoyed every minute of it despite the lack of air con. Don't rate the newer models, i had a 6900 blow the head gasket and head at 3 years old and 2500hrs

  6. Must be very high yielding as there is some swath of straw  :o :o ;)

    If our barley is anything to go by it seems to be a good year for straw, even in a 2t/acre crop our 25' Lexion 460 was leaving a swath up to your waist or approx 3' high :)

  7. Found another couple for you, would appear to be 1974/5 models that were this shape, not that i can remember back then as i wasn't even born  ;D;)

  8. Cor nice... is it an ifor williams beavertail... some pillock has parked a big nasty combine in the way  :D :D :D :D

    :-[ kidding... nice combine - how quick will it wear out those tracks - are they just rubber  ???

    It is a very nice combine, i want one! As far as i know the tracks are just rubber, thats what it looked like on the 580 Terra Trac we had on demo anyway

  9. Doing a shear-bolt on the very last couple of metres of thistles whilst topping this evening. Annoying thing was that I had managed the last two days without breaking one. >:( >:(

    Good thing is that I've now finished that farm, but onto the next in the morning! :)

    Should get a topper with a slip clutch on it then, saves all that hassle. Definately don't miss shearbolts with how many times we hit rabbit holes or big mole hills when we top our set-aside ;):)

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