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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. That would have been the PA2 John is talking about there I'd have thought
  2. Poor me more like it, been muck spreading this week and he had a roll in it today stinky sod
  3. My central heating packing up last night and then to top it off my boss (also landlord) forgetting to ring the heating engineer until I reminded him at 1.30pm, now can't come until tomorrow >
  4. Thats good news John, told you it was easy if you had common sense and just said the right things didn't I ;D
  5. Yeah the wipers were on a seperate button to each other, its the washers that worked at the same time in the one I demo'd. The one I had didn't have fingertip spools but the crossgate joystick and one mechanical lever, will be 4 fingertips on whatever we buy though. It was a bit too warm to try the seat heating out but I did find the climate control very effective. I couldn't have the seat right forward as my knees would have been round my ears so I guess thats why we differ on the foot throttle opinion ;D
  6. I think it depends on your driving position and size Niels, I just found it awkwardly positioned for me, can be a bit of a reach at times
  7. This ebay listing........ http://cgi.ebay.com.au/FULLY-SICK-STREET-LEGAL-Mitsubishi-Express-1992-LWB-/230542966486?pt=AU_Trucks_Commercial_Vehicles&hash=item35ad6e7ed6#ht_3979wt_984 ;D ;D
  8. Thats the thing, good management and cropping organisation can make all the difference on a big farm. Our large neighbour practices the latter and it works well, its not unusual to see 2-400acres of rape, peas, beet or wheat in one block on land they farm. They still do long hours but not completely stupid ones. My current manager's son works there harvest time and has earnt the respect of the blokes and manager there through being careful, they also have two migrant workers on trailers.......less said the better.....I nor anyone else wants to meet them on the road
  9. It is, don't knock the experience until you've tried it ;D ;D Seriously though we bought some subsoiler points from a well known spurious parts supplier and the holes were out of line so I had to "adjust" them with the grinder and set fire to my overalls in the process, seeing flames coming from my crotch is not an experience that I'd like repeat ;D
  10. I can sympathise with you on the itching Stan, I only have to look at barley or barley straw to start itching. I keep a pack of prescription only allergy tablets and cream in the house at all times just incase I have anything to do with it. Evil stuff that never fails to set my skin allergy to it off
  11. Nope, you can keep your 180-90 Ol, wouldn't want to deprive you of it
  12. The company we ordered 1.5 tonnes of wheat seed off on Monday to be able to finish drilling, we were promised that the seed would be delivered Wednesday so I ploughed everything up ready to swap onto the drill to get it all in, no seed by 3pm so boss rings them and they say sorry will be with you tomorrow.......well no seed by 1pm today so boss rings again and they say its not left York yet as the lorry broke down (yeah right like Palletways only have one lorry ) but will be with you monday, at this point the boss tells them to insert their seed somewhere > We've now had to obtain a different variety from a local firm that we've never grown before as we can't risk the land I've ploughed getting rained on or we'll not get back on it until the spring
  13. I aren't going by hear say Tris, would rather form my own opinion but in this case its hard facts coming from the one they have/had where I used to work and the one one of my mates customers have, they both wish they'd never bought the tractors, my old lot have just replaced it with a Case as they were so tired of John Deeres but thats all I'll say on that one before some see fit to turn this into another JD bashing thread ;D I'll reserve final judgement until next week but I've roughly got it down to two in my mind already at this stage The New Holland overalls were on offer hence why I have them, managed to burn a large hole in my Deere ones in the crotch area while using a 9 inch grinder ;D
  14. I'm not going to get into the reasons behind the 7530 comments in too much detail but its to do with ones operating locally that I know of and have spoken to owners/drivers of. To be quite honest I'd say all the tractors suit our need, the one that I found the best overall so far was the NH, I'll reserve final judgement until the 7430 has been out though
  15. 7530 is bigger than we need and wouldn't touch one with a bargepole I'm afraid but thats another story. The figure came straight from our dealer
  16. Yeah thats the one Simon, Boss is just worried about teething troubles with any new system after the amount of problems we've had with my current tractor
  17. Thats where you're wrong Sean the heaviest changes are happening in the engine department this time due to the regulations. We've already been told that it will push the NH price up by around £4500 and the JD £8000. NH are going onto an additive based emissions regulating system and JD are doing it another way. I personally think April would be the best way forward at this point as waiting 12 more months in going to cost us a fortune
  18. I'm doing a comparison and have gone through the specifications with the dealers, boss agrees with what I've asked for but we're going to have a chat after the quotes are all in. Got some serious thinking to do about when to change a there's a massive price hike coming early next year across the board when the new emissions regulations come in so its a case of do we order for April and hope to get the last of the current model, order for July and take a risk on the new technology or wait 12 months for the bugs to be worked out of them
  19. Yes the 135 does belong to the farm, its been there since new Paul We will be having air brakes fitted onto whatever we buy this time but not all the demo tractors have them, the MF doesn't but it does have front axle brakes which will put you through the windscreen
  20. Just one photo from today, had to get one of the old and the new side by side didn't I
  21. I don't think we will unless we've had some fertiliser sprayed onto the beet land by then
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