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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Thanks Baz. If the stones is removed completely it will ruin the soil structure for the future, just put them inbetween the beds where they can get spread out again during cultivations after the potato crop is removed.
  2. Nice pictures Robbo You weren't trying to book the planter driver for having bald tyres on the front of the 7740 were you :D :D
  3. Well I'm back on the markers now so just either start against the straight hedge or with a straight one across the field and work my way across, will do a few runs then go back through them although I've stopped doing them twice at the minute after I was asked if I was recreational cultivating by the boss as he didn't see any reason why I was doing them twice :
  4. There's some impressive trucks about that place, used to deliver hydraulic oil to them during winter/spring 07/08
  5. Don't count on it as if the ridger hits a tight patch it will still pull you about. Don't count on it Ricky, the de-stoner runs in as deep as I sub-soil the fields, 15-17 inches. Bed formed that bit today and no sign of it
  6. Nice work Daisy The next person to use the term sweet, sweetheart or any other such term here or anywhere else on the forum in relation to Daisy after she has asked you not to will have their post removed and be issued with a strike, this is the only warning we (FTF Admin) will issue of our intentions on the matter!
  7. Phonecall tonight from the chap on the destoner at 5.30pm as I was driving over to Mums, "got a problem, the main drive chain on the destoners just snapped", " oh ****" was my reply frantic call to dealers not far from where Mum lives, yes thay had one, close at 6pm though, I was 30 mins away and it was 5.45pm by this time. They agreed to leave it by gates for me so thats one good thing, glad I haven't got to pay for it though, 135 links of 1.25" pitch chain for £300 :o :o
  8. It's a whole new leg thats needed John, can't get just feet for them as its a one piece item. Boss did say that it was only a matter of time before one gave way. Just worried about it getting jammed in the de-stoner if we can't find it, can do without another web breaking
  9. Here's a few pictures from yesterday, sorry about the quality but they were taken on my phone. Had to go on the planter as the usual chap was playing rawhide back at the base Took me 2.5 hours to plant what it had taken the destoner 6 hours to do so was tail gating him for a while Camera to keep an eye on the belts Two from today now, smallest field on the farm, not even 24m wide at the end pic was taken from, not parallel hedges either so got some short work too My sub-soiler tonight........
  10. A leg snapping in half on the subsoiler at 5.40pm tonight, too late to get one here for the morning, worst bit is the foot is 15 inches deep in the headland of the field somewhere so may damage the de-stoner if I don't find it when ridging up, was having a good day till then
  11. They have a fair old kick in them too if they catch you wrong : Worst bit is if you run after them they find another gear and up the speed :D
  12. I have been bed tilling on the first field we were on, like you say Marcus it goes into slow motion @ 1-4kph. I usually drive in the previous ridge, the markers all need adjusting and are siezed up on the adjusters. I'd rather be doing this than Spalding or any show too I'm afraid so no deal :D
  13. You're welcome to them, I hate the things :D
  14. There's already some goosegog bushes and raspberry canes in the garden along with a cooking apple tree so there will be some fruit too
  15. It works as it gets caught on his collar........if that fails then chicken netting will go up or if I get really hacked off in the meantime an electric net Thats exactly waht I was thinking along the lines of, although we do have a spare energiser at work
  16. Couldn't get it in there, could have done with an auto reset ridger, god knows whats under my garden, the rotovator kept bouncing out of the ground
  17. Thought I'd bump this topic again as I've created a veg garden at my house. It's just about all planted up now apart from the greens and runner beans. Just having problems keeping Buster off it hence the string and canes The carrots, onions, beetroot, parsnips, radishes and beans Potatoes and what will be greens Still waiting for my greenhouse to be delivered, got seedlings and several windowsills at the minute
  18. Begs the question........Whats he doing with metallic pink paint in his selection? :D
  19. Looks good so far I actually have the engineers drawings here for the Lowlander 105 model which were given to me by David Bunning whilst talking to him about the trailer model that I already make, will get round to it soon enough Hands are cleaner apart from some fool has been writing on your nails, not good enough :D :D
  20. He wasn't but he's now tearing about the house like a mad thing sporting the plugged into the mains hairstyle :D
  21. My revenge on Buster for him running all over the veg garden.........a bath :D :D
  22. Its not too bad Murray but you do need to be able to drive straight
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