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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Went to Mum's earlier for lunch then when I got home decided to break in my new rotorvator and get the veg garden ripped up, including a section of lawn I'd sprayed off. I've never rotorvated soil like this before, black, light stuff, the machine just buries itself in it, should grow some decent carrots and parsnips I reckon
  2. Its the same for us now John and once it is ploughed and dries we need to hit it hard to get it to break up, hence the Terra Disc as we don't have a power harrow
  3. Normally we would plough and press but the fields are so wet on top and hard beneath that I can't pull the press as well sensibly, having to plough well ahead of the drill as well so the fields can dry out a bit, just not drying out otherwise
  4. I have about 150 acres left to plough, 25 are behind spuds, 54 behind stubble turnips/Swift and the rest are behind sugar beet, all are wet fields. I then have 100 acres of ploughing to pull down for sugar beet and 150 acres of land to cultivate, sub soil and bed-form for spuds so lots to do, just needs to keep drying out
  5. Yes we do Pete, its an older JD, there's some pics of it in here somewhere Been pressing on with ploughing ground for spring barley this week, well since Wednesday when it had dried out a bit. Gave up ploughing today to Terra Disc in front of the drill as the field I ploughed Wednesday had baked hard so it wouldn't break up into a seed bed, the joys of growing sugarbeet on wet heavy land Couple of videos of the 6810 drilling for those that love the bark of the 6 pot lump in them
  6. Mucking out 3 of the cow yards today then dehorning calves this afternoon, about 30 done today, all 2-6 weeks old and faster than a whippet
  7. Wind, hail, rain, thunder and lightning :o
  8. Never mind the gearbox, thats easy enough, you'll just need a strong left leg for the clutch on it :D
  9. I don't mind root and veg but sugar beet does get tiresome I'm afraid with the amount of work involved with it and the state it leaves the fields in about this way
  10. No £19 deals that weekend, cost £35 there. May be bringing a young lady with me, not sure yet though By the sounds of how many people are coming if I buy a round I'll be bankrupt :D
  11. Afraid not Adam, was spending most of my time fiddling with the hydraulics so I didn't get stuck today, been dreading ploughing that field, only left one little patch though and only then because the 6920s bottomed out on the previous end. Its very rare that I actually don't plough through a wet hole but this one was just too bad \
  12. Managing to get our wettest field ploughed today without getting stuck, came close several times but managed to get out, just the last time It was behind beet, laying with water in places, wet holes and a natural spring, should be fun when we come to drill the spring wheat on it :
  13. Its the run about but does the potato planting and irrigation as its main jobs. We have 3 main tractors, the 6920s, 6420s and 6810 along with an old MF135 which hardly gets used except for hay turning. Most used vehicle has to be the JCB 526s though
  14. We have a self employed chap working with us at the minute as my colleague has been off sick since the Tuesday before Christmas when he fell off the top of a grain trailer whilst trying to free the jammed roll over sheet, result was bad brusing and a crushed bone in his spine, he might be back in 6 weeks, he might not. 6810 is a damn good pulling tractor but not as tidy as it looks when you get close up, its a stockmans tractor................ :D
  15. Buster and BT > Buster has just chewed up my wallet along with a £10 note and my bank card, not the 2 I don't use much but he one I pay for everything with, needless to say his backside had a close encounter of the boot kind Now to top it off my phone line is playing up and I can't make or answer calls >
  16. A double and a pull out as thats the only type of room available at Eye Green, was cheaper if I got a non refundable room too so I have to stick with it now
  17. They charge £20 extra for a dog at Travel lodge or I would plus I can't leave him in my Discovery for the show as he'd set the alarm off, no way of locking it without setting the alarm \
  18. Maybe you should play him at his own game and get a solicitor to threaten him with legal action after all his harrassment and see what happens
  19. I am going to Spalding now, not having a stand though. Wasn't sure how work was going to pan out but I think I'm gonna need a break so I'm going, staying at Eye Green as Spalding is fully booked though
  20. You wouldn't get any plough to match up very well on that field Colm, un cultivated potato land so very uneven, was level enough anyway even if it wasn't matching well. Looking like it will be a Lemken plough coming home anyway 6810 doesn't know it has the drill most of the time, only putting 500kg in it instead of the 1500kg I have in it Cheers Murray
  21. If you typed a sensible and practical answer I'd tell you to see a doctor :D
  22. I used to plough some really hilly ground without a hydraulic top link, never had to make any adjustments or had any problems with it. Sounds more like a draft control issue than top link to me \
  23. Vaderstad's are a completely different breed of drill Sean, they are designed to be used at high ground speeds where combinations and the like wouldn't be able to function. I usually operate it at 12-15kph, 7-10kph would be about max for a combination about here
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