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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Gav836

    Manitou 741

    We do it daily with our JCB 526 with no problems so they should stick it, it's got to be a pressure problem as the chances of all the rams having a flaw in are remote
  2. Gav836

    Manitou 741

    If anyone can help I'm sure someone will on there as I know there is a user on there having really big trouble with a new Manitou
  3. Buster > running all over the vegetable garden up rooting all the seedlings that are just coming through as he went!!!!!!
  4. I have it and yes it is if you want to look at beet lifting kit, another good one is "Beet Lifting Through The Ages"
  5. Gav836

    Manitou 741

    Post up your problems with it on BFF Murray, you'll soon find out if you are the only ones having these problems with a Manitou
  6. No, going to hold fire until the destoner is fixed as we don't want the clods baking so hard that they won't break up in the machine We all think its badness on Grimmes behalf, good money making chance for them with call out charges
  7. Boss has probably got to go to Lincs tomorrow and pick it up, astonishingly considering the time of year Grimme's UK base isn't open over this weekend so we have to pay a callout charge to be able to collect it, they closed last night and re-open Tues morning
  8. De-stoner It'll take him a few days to catch up to me, takes about 30 mins for him to get across the field
  9. Its a Cousins V-Form Colm Some pictures from today, bed-form, de-stoning and planting on the field I was sub-soiling the other day. Nice light deep soil with a very nasty patch of stones in a small area of it, these ripped the heavy duty intake web on the de-stoner to pieces this afternoon so we are now awaiting a new web, 2m long roughly and £1200 :o Bed-forming, lots of sea gulls making a mess of my tractor Long ends......irrigator reaches 475m...........
  10. At work all day today bed forming a nice 40 acre field we've rented off the neighbour, all light land and 600m long ends so not bad going
  11. Some more pictures from today, we needed to keep the sub soiler on the move so we don't get behind so the boss took over while I had my lunch, I took the chance to take some pictures of it at work. Its a 40 acre field we've hired off our neighbours with a nice sea view
  12. Been getting the bed tiller sorted then using it today, got some cobbly land the de-stoner can't cope with, then took Buster to the Vets as he's had Scour for the past 3 days
  13. The vets bill for 10 minutes consultation, 5 pills and a syringe of paste \
  14. It'll have to take its chances as I can't shorten the toplink anymore, won't be in the soil like that on the next 100 acres so should be ok anyway
  15. Contractors N reg 6600 which has done 12500hrs on our de-stoner, now repaired with new star shaft, bearings, sprocket and spacers
  16. Some pictures from today of bed-forming, de-stoning and planting. I'm having to go through the beds 2-3 times with the ridger so the tines on the front break the clods up enough for the de-stoner to leave us enough soil to plant in 6920s and ridger
  17. Nothing yet today, well except Buster leaving me a pressie on the carpet..........looks like he has scour but plenty yesterday, de-stoner had a shaft go 100m into the first field at 8am, we gave up repairs at 5pm as we were both getting sick of the sight of it, got a chunk out of my thumb thanks to that........hoping today goes better :
  18. No chance of that, got another 136 acres to do after this field
  19. Been sub-soiling for spuds today and last night, the first 14 acres has now been done twice apart from the headlands and I have now started to ridge it up ready for destoning and planting tomorrow, will try to get some pics of that going on, we've decided to have an early day though as we're working all weekend Just a couple of pics of the ridging, front and back view, no gps in use and no line to follow or hedge to start against when I put the first one through
  20. Got it as my Desk top, will definately be printing it off A4 size and framed, not often he'll look at the camera for a picture
  21. I just had to get a picture of him sitting like that Tris, he does it every time the windows open and I'm working on something, he never misses a thing
  22. No its not home made Pete, think it might be a Farm Force one but will have to check, carries a front mounted tank most of the time so needs to be pretty rugged
  23. Some more pictures for you, the 6420s on a 12 row Monosem Meca 2000 beet drill and one of my supervisor watching me hook the Germinator up
  24. Never seen beet drilled with a Vaddy before Colm........ :D Usually just one pass though unless its very cloddy in which case it gets two passes before we go in with the beet drill. No idea on the Fastrac, didn't have time to have a good look at it really
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