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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. That is one thing that I or anyone who works on that farm will not say about it, it was definately a Friday afternoon tractor unfortunately, its always a case of when and not if it will break down again :
  2. Its a Berthoud Elyte Colm, on its last season with us. Few pictures nome from the last few days, our neighbour ploughing with his Claas Ares and a new Rabe plough and press Been pulling down the beet land today with my 6920s and a 5m Germinator, got about 6o more acres to do yet, the 6810 wouldn't pull it without over heating Got a contractor here putting the suspension fertiliser on the spud fields as well, rumour has it that at some point the Fastrac will be replaced by a JD self propelled sprayer, not spoken to the driver yet though. They were also putting turkey muck on today but didn't manage to get any pictures of that as they were at the other end of the farm to me
  3. You mean a repeat performance of upsetting the travel lodge staff by trying to rattle the locked doors off there hinges Sean :D :D
  4. **** off Simon Got 150 acres of spud land to subsoil twice and go through with the ridger twice, I don't trust anyone else with my tractor to do the job right : I know you did Sean, its turning into one of those weeks, nothings going to plan here
  5. Looking very much like I won't be able to make either the Saturday or the Sunday now, things are going manic at work thanks to contractors not turning up on time
  6. Just don't let Ben put drinks in his deep pockets as someone else will have to get them out again as his arms aren't long enough to reach into them :D :D
  7. That isn't my tractor, its the cowmans, was boss's idea to try it on the Germinator, not seen him to tell him it was running dangerously hot on it though
  8. Terra-discing FYM into stubble on fields destined for potatoes, got the Germinator ready then gave it a try on the 6810, went on my 6920s last year but trying it on 6810 as it has duals on it, it'll pull it at 5mph but temperature guage was rising steadily, think she may blow the head gasket as its a big load for the old girl
  9. I believe its cut once every two years from what I was told from someone looking into growing it
  10. Some of his prices are on the high side, especially the 7810 he has up for £15750 but I'd say that these are a good price
  11. He's got 3 in stock Adam, a 1990 model at £6000 and two 1991 models at £8750 Be a shame not to go look if they are that close :D
  12. Never mind the 40 series Fords Adam, find yourself a nice late model 8630, pull like a train, 40kph gearbox and full powershift, comfortable and nice to drive. Spent many hours on one in the past http://www.robertwraightltd.com/machines_images.aspx?stocknum=13523
  13. This kind of mis-description ought to be banned, load of rubbish they've put there : http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MASSEY-FERGUSON-8690-MODELTRACTOR-1-32-EXACT-SCALE-RARE_W0QQitemZ300300249908QQihZ020QQcategoryZ11757QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  14. This........teenagers hey :D :D http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/5041848/Teenager-paints-60ft-phallus-on-roof-of-family-home.html
  15. We are Colm but its not being delivered until June/July and thats with it being on an old stock order, if it was a new stock order it would have been October :o
  16. A new plough mouldboard I was about to fit slipping off the beam and landing on my foot, on its edge and just above where the steel toe cap finishes To say it hurt is an understatement, good job there were no sensitive ears about at the time
  17. Unlucky Blake, when I done my first telescopic certificate it was supposed to last two days but he told me not to bother coming back the second day and passed me on the first :D
  18. I can imagine, we had a problem with an energizer unit the other week, had a dodgy earth on it, gave my colleague one hell of a jolt when he touched the earth stake, trying not to laugh was a struggle :D
  19. Now thats just sadistic, very funny but sadistic :D :D :D Not a method I'll use to check if the fence is working either
  20. Moved some cows and calves round in the sheds first thing then ploughing till 3pm today then home to do some gardening and cut the grass
  21. We also turned the first of the cows out with their calves onto grazing rye, they were on grass for a couple of days first but we are unable to put any fertiliser on the meadows due to the area they are in so always have to look at alternitives for an early turnout
  22. Well as its been nice and dry here we've been pushing on with spring drilling, the latest bit has been cultivated then subsoiled before drilling as the plough is in a really bad way. Been giving the 6920s a workout on a 5 leg Cousins V-Form at 10 inches deep, it knows it is there thats for certain 6420s spraying the field with Round-up to kill the meadow grass before drilling 6920s and V-Form New metal needed after 8 hectares Video of the 6420s on a Kongskilde Vibroflex cultivating
  23. Saddle?! Just remove that, be much more punishing than putting sand paper on it :o :D
  24. the cows and calves when they were let onto the grazing rye, the calves being young and inquisitive walked up to the electric fence and tried to nibble it, surprised how quickly they moved :D :D
  25. Yup spuds as well Sean be nice to grow my own veg again Feel like it at the minute :D
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