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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. My boss this morning, looked at the in calf heifers as soon as we got in at 7am, reckoned all was ok so said nothing, workmate goes in to feed them 15 mins later, comes up to me and says did boss say anything about heifers to you, I said no, why? he says well there's a little black calf in there :D Sure enough there was a calf nuzzling away at the milk bar, bosses excuse was it was still a bit dark :D
  2. Can't afford not to try them mate, prices are between £14k and £22k so its a lot of money to spend on a piece of equipment. Looking to buy the plough for next season anyway as with lead times at the minute its looking like a wait of a few months even if we ordered today
  3. It won't be for a while yet I don't think Sean, with it only being a small farm the tractors have to last a good few years
  4. I'm afraid the Deere bashing won't change in this topic as nothing I've said about the 3 of ours isn't true unfortunately, mine is sorted again though, seems to be yet another electrical fault this time that caused the problem We're not actually getting a quote for the Kuhn plough I had on demo, instead the quote will be fot a T-bolt Varimaster slatted/solid board with press arm as we don't need auto reset, should knock about 200kg off the weight too. Slats should improve fuel usuage as well which was rather heavy at around 19.5 litres/Ha Got a Kv LB85 vari width sitting in the yard waiting for me to try once it dries out enough to get on again
  5. Enough niggles for my boss to say he'll never buy another John Deere, both my 6920s and his 6420s have been hell and all trouble, the old 6810 though with 7500hrs on it has only ever had 2 new batteries and routine servicing in 10 years
  6. well seeing how I've only put 600 hours on it then it must be the previous driver, had a new transmission fitted 800hrs ago as well, all seem to be common problems to this model \
  7. The shovel is still here so may be able to get some clearer pics of that if I can find some batteries Cheers Tris, its nice to use a plough that isn't twisted and that I can get a level finish with Definately don't want the green and yellow, got the doctor coming out again tomorrow, low transmission oil pressure warnings and grinding brakes on it
  8. Had a Kuhn Multi Master 152 Auto Reset on demo today, done a good job, was damned heavey though and as much as the 6920s wanted to lift. Not had a chance to work out fuel usuage yet as was 6pm when I finished the field 3 pics and a video for you
  9. I know all that and do exactly that, always use the clutch as opposed to brakes for stopping etc, pic was taken in middle of field while travelling
  10. Not for that type of ridger, its used for making a bed in front of the de-stoner, the two ridging bodies set to make a bed 1.5m or 1.7m wide
  11. Looks a good start Cerin, got the basics there As Marcus says though I think your ridging bodies are too close together, the centre of the body should be in line with the centre of each back tyre as I've shown on your picture here, main frame probably needs to be half a cm wider each side You can but the ridger seperately to the tiller though, quite often they are made so the tiller is removeable from the ridging bodies so you can use each seperately, several pictures of Grimme ones in my at work with topic from last year
  12. Don't tell Marky to take deep breaths Adam, with a nasal capacity the size of his there's no telling what might get sucked up his nose :D
  13. Look forward to seeing the pictures Cerin something the mainstream model producers are still missing out on, will get round to building my one eventually
  14. Remember mine's an autopower Ricky so thats how I run it with the revs set at 1600rpm when the throttle is fully forward, never touch the throttle all day other than when I stop for breaks, automatically closes itself down when there's no load on it
  15. Cheers Martin, just annoying that I didn't have my camera with me I was once told that he had 9 shovels out in the field during the season, I think one was a Volvo and the rest all Hanomags, that was before he bought his Ropa's though
  16. Picture of innocence isn't he........... :D
  17. A few more pictures for you all, again with my phone as didn't know the guys were coming today. The haulage contractor turned up to take in our sugarbeet with one of his Hanomags, a 44D, and the CTM cleaner Thse ones were taken once it got lighter, only 3 lorry fulls in our yard so snapped them before he went off to one of the pads
  18. Got them all up now mate, the last 50 odd acres are all in the clamp now. No block ups at all
  19. I think it was a 12 or 14 tonner Marky, not a bad trailer, stable when tipped just a shame it pulled so hard both empty and loaded \
  20. It is a good machine but he's having power problems with the DAF engine at present which he isn't too pleased about as it's brand new this year It was a bit cold but the boss wanted them out as they should be going into the factory this week Cheers Nick, its currently 1.7 degrees here outside. Its not a bad job, could be better at times but couldn't all jobs
  21. Loading the trailer, done on the move so you need to keep your mind on the job with the speed they leave the tank at Back at the clamp
  22. Here's a few pics from today when we finished lifting the last of the sugarbeet, I had my 6920s with aBailey dump trailer on that we borrowed of the contractor who lifts our beet. Pictures were taken with my phone as thats allI had with me
  23. Out of interest Rhys, were you wearing wellies and/or velcro gloves at the time :D :D
  24. Just paid my tax bill online now off shopping and then got a chainsaw and a pile wood waiting for me
  25. I'll wash it when I aren't messing about in the mud No idea on the planting yet, will depend how the spring shapes up weather wise, also got a lot of spring barley and sugarbeet to drill first
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