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Valley Axe Man

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Everything posted by Valley Axe Man

  1. Cheers for posting the pics up Cyril, though your link still doesn't work......still comes up with a page saying broken or missing...
  2. Cant seem to view your page Cyril..... just comes up with a message saying Sorry page is broken or been removed?
  3. HAPPY NEW YEAR To all and everyone, lets hope 2017 is Healthy and Prosporus and Happy to all FTF'ers and their families,...... Best wishes from a rainy Lancashire Valley (fingers crossed this isn't going to be the weather for the next 12 months) Paul and Lynn
  4. Hahaha Smithy, good one..... though to be fair better than peanuts..... a brew's too wet without a biscuit or two
  5. Good to see you can't work without a bag of biscuits Smithy that are sat on stool in front of tractor
  6. Cheers Justin it's certainly an impressive bit of work, Though I not really an arable man it's nice to have a few different bits in the collection that aren't grassland based. Glad to hear that Smithy
  7. Have to agree, they do look the part on those big boots, Just short of a 32nd scale Jimmy Doc
  8. Cheers Smithy Hope your well on the mend now after your accident and setting your self up for the new year
  9. I'll get a piece and go from there Martin cheers, Though can't really recall anyone round us bagging bales back in the day, but sure someone on here will have had first hand experience.
  10. MMMM Cheers for the link Martin, will investigate this abit further I think, i'll ask Andy the dimensions he has in the chamber and get a yard and try one, nothing ventured, nothing gained, the odd straw bale be handy Haylage bales would be the way as back then the bales would have been bagged in the farmyard rather than wrapped in the field...
  11. Tidy job on your weight box Martin, and liking your idea with the bales that might work in principle at double the size for the Claas
  12. Cheers David bud somehow thought you'd approve of these
  13. Cheers John Managed to get a couple of the line up all together...... Just a pity UH hadn't developed a 16th TW chassis.... again the main tooling would like these Nashes be able to be the base for numerous incarnations of the mighty TW, County's and 30 series, and I know 16th isn't everyone's bag, just like UH aren't known to make the most accurate of models, but hell a line up of Big blues would probably turn the heads of almost any serious model man no matter what scale they are into. ..... Now with all this horse on tap, methinks we going to need a few bigger implements
  14. Latest addition , care of my mum for my Christmas via Santa hahahahaha, One of the "Black" edition UH 1455 XL's to go with the standard four red ones........ Will have to try and get a group photo of the five all together
  15. Hell Smithy, that could have been a lot worse, would have been better to have escaped without injury, but at least it nothing too serious. Get well soon buddy
  16. Nice load Smithy a real collectors set of your Case up front, a David Brown Case and a Proper International.... That David Brown looks familiar, is it the same one that your man uses in his firewood business?? On certain farms in certain areas tractors like these were classed as "Big" compared to a farmers trusty 135 or Dexta and you now look at modern machines.... the front tyres on "Big" tractors now are on par with the rears on these classics apart from being a tad wider.... makes you wonder how big "Big " will be in another 30 years........Though i know of a member who's a good mate on here that would love Santa to turn up with that 474 for him on Christmas morning
  17. Nowt wrong with being a big kid Brian ..... as our good friend Ivan said at Penrith when he was enjoying himself with his trailer and my 7000 and doublechop....." i'll grow up when the first shovel of soil hits my coffin lid" with a grin on his face, and hell that's the best way to look at it.... Lifes short so might as well enjoy it whilst we here
  18. Cheers Erik Though your 16th collection is as equally impressive on the sheer numbers of models that you've got Hahaha Tris... Surely you not got any smaller? Can remember the first time I met you, quite a few years ago you had the table behind us at Toytrac and had a load of John Deeres out, and me dad had a forestry scene, pup brought down some of his convo's and I'd a couple of Leylands and a MFM Marshall 100 at silage, plus the hand full of scratch built/converted Kidd models, as they were based only a couple of mile up the road from Wincanton, back in the day before I got addicted to 16th ... If I remember rightly, think you left mid afternoon as you were heading off to Germany....... Thanks Barry , Andy beadblasts all the individual parts, then has a coat of etch, and a squirt or two of primer before a couple of top coats, all left to harden off before assembly, His ability to do what he does amazes me at times when you look closely at his builds and think of the engineering behind his work
  19. Cheers Tris, Hahaha might have to look at making the odd little (biggish) dio to put some of these models in use
  20. Cheers lads Andy definatley knows how to go the extra mile in his builds.
  21. Some of you eagle eyed forum members might have spotted a new addition to my collection in the pictures that David posted in the Lakeland thread, so here's a few pics of the latest addition to the collection in the shape of a 15 row MF30 drill, again built by Andy, in grain and fertilizer format, fitted with a folding screw type drawbar jack (shown folded up) and disc coulters, with the addition of a pair of markers it's fairly standard spec and includes roughly around 1000 individual bits to build the finished model
  22. Looking forward to see what gems you purchase at Zwolle David
  23. That's some collection of combines there Cyril.
  24. That's a real fleet Martin.... Hell a model silage team doesn't get much better than that
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