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Everything posted by Stabliofarmer

  1. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Britains-Stobart-Rail-Converted-Landrover-Very-Rare-/181948455141?hash=item2a5cf918e5:g:wjgAAOSwv-NWXfyb Interesting, seems really odd considering its a pointless scale even for Stobart Mad Collectors, wouldn't fit with any of the truck scales, nor would it fit model railway scales and not exactly the ideal scale for a promotional piece. Would expect to see something more official on the letter such as Stobart or Britains emblem even if its just from the auction house.
  2. On mobile if you've quoted someone in a reply its impossible to get rid of a quote from the reply box without publishing the post. So currently I can't reply to the work bench topic without quoting Coxy and Pistol Pete from when the topic was first started
  3. Ice white county https://www.flickr.com/photos/91070372@N02/8272206380/in/album-72157632245651410/
  4. Now that you mention it those siku and britains figures do look abit dwarfed in the cabs, particularly on some of the tractors, fantastic models all the same.
  5. Cgeers Jamie, You're not wrong there but looking at the price of 1/50th and then 1/24th I'd be scared to think how much really good rigs would cost in 1/32
  6. Better late than never, some photos of the container trailer that I posted about in the purchases topic. Now on the ferry to Ireland
  7. Yay finally found/stubbled across the guy I was talking about, I'd been looking for a page when it was infact an account which happened to pop up on my newsfeed today when he posted some new stuff. His name is Emil Karnock or Ek-Models and I highly recommend taking a look at his page if you can. Apologies if you cant see it but its worth friending him/getting facebbok to see them as everything is unique or unusual https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007081787859&sk=photos&collection_token=100007081787859%3A2305272732%3A69&set=a.1576621019250609.1073741835.100007081787859&type=3 Theses are the D series And the Roadless Rovers
  8. When quoting a post the reply box locks out after a few words on mobile (android). The screen doesn't freeze and I can do everything else in the page and the keyboard is still there and the keys highlight when clicked on but text doesn't appear in the reply box.
  9. Or find a hill, abit of rope with a handle on the back of one of the challengers, stick the conditioner back on the Pistiey Beast and open up somersets first ski resort
  10. Fair enough. In real life where models of both were available would a set up like Oakley have bought a brand new one or gone for a second hand 80's/90's machine?
  11. And will they pay for themselves? Glenshee, the Scottish ski centre we visit every year has bought 2 of the larger 600 machines at quarter of a million each, considerably more than a wheeled loader and a lot less practical around a farm year round
  12. Also a big Pisten Bully fan but prefer to see them on the snow. How long are the tracks expected to last working on the pit?
  13. Andy, whose the artist for that painting, would be useful to know for my A Level art
  14. Aso still getting it but in a completely random pattern. Looking through old show topics and sometimes it'd go back and others it wouldn't. I have noticed if you refresh a blank white page on a computer the topic comes back but if you refresh phone nothing will happen
  15. Not having the photo problem. In fact its vastly improved from the old version for me on mobile.
  16. Similar problem on mobiles. trying to navigate using the next arrows and 9 times out of 10 you just end up at a white screen with only advertising in the place it would normally be rather than the next page.
  17. Thatd be very interesting to see, plenty if experience with 2D CAD but never used 3D
  18. Literally Scanias as far as the eye can see. If you're intrested in purchasing a cab send me a message. Price is £35 plus postage
  19. They do look a lot better on the yellow wheels. Makes them look abit beefier I think. As others have said the step by step is nice to see and something that's dying out
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